Ayyye, nice to see cockwomble making a return
Ayyye, nice to see cockwomble making a return
I think it’s being down voted because of the way it is phrased, it comes across as “You obviously should switch to iPhone so why don’t you?”
I don’t want to switch because I find iPhones and the UI to be bland and boring, the ecosystem is too locked down and there’s little to no customisation. Plus there is a lot of snobbery around apple products and that doesn’t sit well with me.
This! Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.
I’ve been using lookmovie2.to for a while and that seems to be pretty good.
If you’re looking for everything piracy related then hit up the Free Media Heck Yeah wiki:
Or for movies particularly:
Great, more pointless words to be careful about. Have you run this by any blind or deaf people? Do they care in the slightest about this? I’d imagine most wouldn’t give two shits which you used as long as you’re not being a dick about it