What was the thought process? Nightmares.
What was the thought process? Nightmares.
It started as a prank, but now fascists unironically use the ok sign.
It’s a dog whistle. They use something innocent to signal to others in their ingroup, and call people stupid when they call them out on it.
If they take care of it, or have the face for it. Sure. Not my type, but goodf’them.
If they just accidentally have a terrible beard… gross
The tattoo is excellent, but to permanently have it on your skin is a level of irony poisoning I aspire to have one day.
An upside of apocalyptic environmental collapse due by the end of the century is The Elders™ trying to explain their very specific joke tattoos to the younglings.
God I hope so, but I have a feeling it’s going to be another monster; just without the spectre of death looming over them like the rainbow after a storm.
Did anyone see the English language patch notes?