Fox News would suddenly push how awesome and Alpha pegging is?
Fox News would suddenly push how awesome and Alpha pegging is?
Or, hold a trial, and if convicted, we seal him in his bunker and bury it and cut it off from all outside contact. And depending on the severity of his conviction, plugging up every “air hole” could go along as capital punishment. Give him a very twilight zone ending, he wanted to hide in his bunker, and now he’ll spend the rest of his life in it, however long that may be.
I do not need it, and I hate how it’s constantly forced upon me.
Current AI feels like the Metaverse. There’s no demand for it or need for it, yet they’re trying their damndest to shove it into anything and everything like it’s a new miracle answer to every problem that doesn’t exist yet.
And all I see it doing is making things worse. People use it to write essays in school; that just makes them dumber because they don’t have to show they understand the topic they’re writing. And considering AI doesn’t exactly have a flawless record when it comes to accuracy, relying on it for anything is just not a good idea currently.
Taxes are so hard because Tax Return Companies spend a lot of money to lobby the government to make it harder. The IRS could do it all in-house for “free” but there’s too much money in making us go through 3rd parties to file our taxes. Private business always finds a way to add more inefficiency to processes to make us pay more so they can nickel and dime us. “Want that efficient service? Well, you got to pay more.” It’s a scam.
There is a lot of stuff, sure, that could be automated in software, but that’s mostly admin work, like processing invoices and things like that. But then, no one ever wants to spend money on things. For instance, I work for a state DOT. It’s a battle to get the state legislature to properly fund maintenance. They’d rather spend their money on new shiny things they can show off to get elected.
The real inefficiency in government is almost always directly related to the elected official’s decisions. Take graffiti, they don’t want to spend money, and we don’t have the budget to keep up with graffiti and provide road maintenance. But then a big sports event or famous band comes to town for a huge event, and next thing you know graffiti is our number one priority.
Which is good, and I say that as an American. The current leadership cannot be trusted. It’s going to be a long time before we can be trusted again. If ever.
And Elonia can’t even get rockets to not explode.
Hates to predict things? This Turd Ball constantly predicts every stupid thing he does is going to be a win, like tariffs making us all super rich.
These Doggy stooges are sooooo freaking annoying.
So who wants to help me Digg the grave for Reddit? /s
Sort of sad to see another online home fall but nothing lasts forever.
It’s not even out popular others, its if you have the money, you just buy yourself the merit. You win because of you family name. You can buy your way into the best schools, and quite possibly pay others to do your work, or just flat out pay for better grades, I mean who in their right mind is going to flunk the child a major school benefactor?
Reddit is clearly the Bad Place.
This is the price of being a politician and being a complete P.O.S. one at that.
They should have stuck with the “they’re weird”. And they definitely shouldn’t have tried courting Republican voters. All that yielded was pushing away Dem voters and Republican voters aren’t going to vote for Dems, they will just not show up for Trump. They shouldn’t have constantly called them a danger and threat because we’ve been saying that for years, and at some point people stop listening. Instead, they should have leaned into the “they’re weird” and the weird things they want to do. Making them sound like an existential threat, even if they are, just sounds like someone yelling the sky is falling, and people ignore it. But we’ve already seen how they can’t handle being mocked. So mock them. Belittle them, make them out to be the buffoons they are.
Was it really a children’s book or did he write a book for adults, but it was just so damn stupid everyone assumed it was a children’s book, and never bothered to clarify with him?
What are you talking about? Clearly all of those people were hanging out with me all night. They’re completely innocent. My hand to god.
I agree it is a tool, and they should be taught how to use it properly, but I disagree that is like a pen or a ruler. It’s more like a GPS or Roomba. Yes, they are tools that can make your life easier, but it’s better to learn how to read a map and operate a vacuum or a broom than to be taught to rely on the tool doing the hard work for you.