I have definitely been considering buying used so that I don’t support Elon. That’s the most important thing to me.
I have definitely been considering buying used so that I don’t support Elon. That’s the most important thing to me.
Because on average, I imagine very few rental homes are brand new constructions/purchases so their mortgage is a couple years old and lower than if someone bought that same home today.
I was pretty sure manifest v3 had already happened - but when I knew it was coming, I went ahead and switched ahead of time. Came with the extra bonus that now I’m ad free on mobile too! Mobile websites are absolutely filthy with popovers and 2 sentence paragraphs with an ad between every paragraph. I’m sick of it. And unfortunately I spend so much more time browsing the web from my phone these days than my desktop - so when I swapped on pc to Firefox, it was such a relief to have browser extensions on my phone now too.
She deports all republicans to the nations of their ancestors.
Believe me, they don’t want these people either. However, my understanding is Russia has open arms for disenfranchised Republicans. Please, don’t let me stop you. No taksies backsies though.
I understand what they’re trying to do - bring attention to total cost of ownership and the price disparity between petrol and electricity. It’s clearly marked and impossible to miss when you’re on the website speccing out a car, so it’s maybe a little initially deceptive, but not scummy imo. But it also leads to screenshots like this…
Well there’s already a preexisting list. Presumably, projects today that might have been at the top of the list are now deprioritized in favor of projects that meet these criteria.
From the thumbnail, I assumed this was a British story for some reason.
“I’m lovin’ it” wouldn’t have been better in this case, however.
(laughs in European)
She’s not a teacher, shes in the library. But - she is allowed absolutely zero ot. She’s already had her time card adjusted on days that she worked early or late to match her scheduled hours. And they only pay her for 7 hours a day, but it’s an 8 hour work day and she hasn’t once had the time to take a hour for lunch.
What even IS the recourse when it’s not a comproration, but the government that is stealing your wages? 🤷 I think I’m more upset about it all than she is, because the quality of life is way higher than her last job. And so I’ll just keep it all to myself.
Thanks, Disney.
Thanks. Damn, he just has so little control, he’ll say almost anything. It’s not exactly encriminating but leaves little doubt that Drumpf knew exactly what was going on, as if we didn’t know he participated.
Can you link that quote?
My wife got her first pay check last week at her new job in a US school district. I was certain something was wrong when it came in, but the pay stub did nothing to show the breakdown of hours, rate, etc. She finally got a response today - and I’ve learned that school breaks are NOT PTO. She gets zero PTO she can take during the school year, and while frustrating not to be able to choose when you take your time off, I assumed that was just because she gets the summer off. But apparently she gets no PTO AND takes 71 days out of the year off without pay, effectively. So they do you the favor of paying you over 12 months, but you still only get paid for hours worked. The rate of pay seemed like it would be a pay raise on the surface, but I never anticipated needing to dock it by 20%.
Zero PTO. Just the perks of American life.
Thanks, my mind when to nuclear radiation, not heat radiation. Makes sense!
Better than 5x at 16h I guess. 😅
I actually somehow didn’t fully process that it didn’t say “ad free”, but rather “non-personalized ads”. Wtf. €7 and you still get ads? Insanity. This is the sort of site I would never return to again.
And then if it doesn’t sell well, they’ll use that as an excuse to discontinue private server development; and when they cancel their live service, it’ll be dead forever.
It went extinct because the sea levels rose and the island it inhabits was entirely under water. Honestly, we’re headed that direction - they might be in trouble again in relatively quick order.
In a case like this, I would assume it is a budgetary thing - if your marketing campaign is budgeted at $100k, you wouldn’t want to give away a million dollars of free goods.