This is the way
This is the way
“Also car has great visibility forward and fuck all backwards, rear view mirror is like double the size of the rear window (in the reflection, not side by side).”
Yeah - this is exactly why you should reverse park. When you come out again into potentially a stream of traffic, if you reverse park, you’re coming out forwards, you can see them & they can see you. If you forward park you have literally no idea what you’re backing out into.
Yeah, shout out for rsync also. It’s awesome. Combine it with ssh & it feels pretty secure too.
generate electricity.
not generate electricity.
generate electricity the other way around.
not generate electricity.
generate electricity.
not generate electricity.
generate electricity the other way around.
not generate electricity…
Edit: I dumbly misread your post (energy/electricity) & thought of this, which I will leave here because it made me smile & that’s a good thing.
Not sure if this counts (as a car), but it was a three wheeler (Reliant Robin), gutless and rattly, all the fun of going 50 mph without breaking the speed limit. All the engine weight was directly on the front wheel, so the back end (no weight at all) would slide out wonderfully around corners.
I guess it’s more likely the list was drawn up before paramedic was a thing, and then no one thought to change it. The low effort option.