The ‘appstore’ of some distributions, e.g. Linux Mint, displays a warning or hint for unofficial flatpaks. In Mint the display of unofficial flatpaks are toggled off by default and there is a warning or recommendation displayed against toggling on.
The ‘appstore’ of some distributions, e.g. Linux Mint, displays a warning or hint for unofficial flatpaks. In Mint the display of unofficial flatpaks are toggled off by default and there is a warning or recommendation displayed against toggling on.
Yes, however a lot of this information would not be publicly available in Germany or only with valid concern, e.g. birthday, car ownership, value of the estate.
Access to “real time” kernel which is useful for drones etc.
I know of at least one case in Sweden or Danmark.
Edit: It was the murder of Kim Wall and officially it took place in Danmark.
But there are web sites where you can obtain information that e.g. in Germany would be afaIk not public, see e.g.
Isn’t the S-400 this ‘highly advanced’ AA system Turkey bought making the US really upset?
Most people die in hospitals. – Avoid hospitals if you value your life. /s
The Nordics are generally less reluctant with personal data compared to e.g. Germany.
Interesting that this map also specifies who was the victim.
And for the other side of the border vå or map of shootings.
The moron is obviously on the other end of the leash.
“mobile bioweapons factories in
AfghanistanIraq” To quote our minister for foreign affairs: “I’m not convinced”
Reading the other reply, I guess it’s about ‘payment’ for taking a hitch hiker. As fuel became expensive now, the driver can no longer afford the other two options in exchange.
Seconded. I use Debian with KDE btw ;-)
So a bit like Debian testing after the stable release and before freezing.
Does this happen regularly with Tumbleweed, or just when you use your system rarely, like every other Friday 12th?
Here’s the Wikipedia article on them. The film Sacco & Vanzetti was based on their case. Its title song Here’s to you by Joan Baez and Ennio Morricone is probably known to some.
In reversed order.
The Energy of the .45-70 is 3867 J. For comparison: 9 × 19 mm NATO, used in guns, has 481 J, 5.56 × 45 mm NATO and 7.62 × 51 mm NATO, both used in rifles, have 1800 J and ~ 3600 J, respectively.