Not really, but the yen is very weak and they are facing a rapidly aging population crisis.
Not really, but the yen is very weak and they are facing a rapidly aging population crisis.
Weird, I signed up fine 2 months ago.
Wordpress could have taken a survey of their highest paying customers, then created features they needed behind a private hosting service
Isn’t this what WordPress VIP is?
I disagree with that, I’ve found it useful for programming, travel, and fleshing out creative ideas. I would say it’s limited and isn’t a real replacement for a proper expert, but as an always available service there’s certainly value.
Do you want wired or wireless? If wireless check out the Moondrop space travel, if wired then Moondrop Aria, linsoul tin t2, there’s plenty of chifi options that’ll outperform any name brand stuff.
And the one dedicated to cute animal photos, xhamster.
Yeah in my last role we were probably the biggest user of a certain storage service that was still kinda new, there were quite a few times we found bugs, features that straight up didn’t work how the documentation stated, and aws sent us workaround scripts that seriously looked like an unpaid intern wrote.
I’m not sure if GCP/Azure would be much different though.
Or install YouTube revanced, and get rid if ads too.
I’m somewhat of a programmer, but there’s ideas everywhere in life. My bank came out with an API so I built an app that pulls it all down, stores it in a database, and makes some pretty graphs. Had no experience in fullstack or backend development before (I’m a sysadmin/cloud engineer), so it took me a really long time and I was following a course but adapting it to my project for a lot of it.
The other day I picked up an old game (Mu online) that is soooo grindy it even gives you an in-game bot to play for you, but if you die you just respawn in a safe zone. So I’ve started writing a script that reads the screen (character position is shown in x, y coordinates on screen), and those coordinates are within a given area (the safe zone) it will alert me. Again, had no experience with any of the window controls or image to text conversion (tesseract), but got chatgpt to help me a bit. Will it save me time? Maybe a little. Will I stop playing this game in a month? More than likely. Did I learn something? Absolutely.
I’m self taught but working in tech there’s obviously more work related use cases to actually start learning, but there’s every-day stuff you can do too.
What are you using to get Claude to write for you? I’ve been using it to write a full stack Go/javascript app but it needs a lot of handholding.