Too be honest it seemed dated when I played the game. Those parts of the game felt kind of cringey to me.
Too be honest it seemed dated when I played the game. Those parts of the game felt kind of cringey to me.
Hey that’s pretty cool. I did see the unbagging area when picking up few items yesterday. Going to give it a shot next time I go to Aldi. It’s not a busy store and I always see an empty register, but maybe that’s because everyone else is doing their shit right.
I did notice the bigger bar codes and that the Aldi registers scanned real well but somehow didn’t put the two things together.
AppleTV would be my recommendation for people that want a clean interface with no ads and they don’t want to or can’t modify an android TV box to a custom launcher. It’s just about a perfect experience right out of the box. It’s a shame about the shitty remote though.
For people willing to get their hands dirty, androidtv having SmartTubeNext is a killer tool for YouTube and for me gives it the edge.
SmartTubeNext might be the greatest thing about AndroidTV just for the sponsor block. It’s so amazing.
Pihole helps. If you have androidtv you can setup a custom launcher and avoid it on your interface.
I did the exact same thing. Also blocked androidtv updates in case Google starts pulling shit regarding custom launchers.
It’s gross how ads are being crammed in every little nook of our lives. Not like the ShieldTv was a cheap device either.
Pretty sad to see Roku going down the same road. Guess forcing a third of the screen devoted to ads just wasn’t enough.
Oh shit, I just started going to Aldi and sounds like I am one of the idiots doing it wrong. The store I am going to seems to be setup same as a typical SCO though. I don’t know that I have noticed a bagging counter. Will be looking next trip I guess.
You got that right. It’s so great walking right by everyone queued up at the registers.
I think the reality is, “boomer” as a term is here to stay and a moving target: as gen x ages into 40+
This is a nitpick, but gen x moved into the 40+ age group long ago. As a gen Xer I’ll be in my 50’s later this year. 🤮
And yeah, doom is peak Gen X probably.
Covered in the article. In Norway you are required to signal when exiting a roundabout. It’s a fair concern.
Microsoft’s search engine is nowhere near as good as Google’s.
I don’t know… Googles search was clearly better five years ago. They clearly still have dominant market share, but they have been shitting up search results the last few years in the name of monetization a lot. I haven’t found their results to be better than bing, at least not by a lot.
Their algorithm is still good, as if I use a search engine that sources from Google, the results are typically what I would expect. But from Google itself, the results have sponsored content barfed all over actual results and it takes a little effort to find what I was searching for.
I have gone on to alternative search engines and been so much happier. I will fallback on Google when I need to, but it’s been extremely rare.
I don’t think that’s what I said? At least it’s not how I meant it.
Microsoft was kind of getting their comeuppance there. They did the exact same billshit when they dominated the market with IE.
They really weren’t that effective with Microsoft then either. The antitrust was far too late for Netscape and allowed Microsoft to hold a dominate market share with IE until they allowed the browser to deprecate and Google came in with a much better browser and took over the browser market (and are now doing the same bullshit).
As long as we keep giving these companies meaningless fines or wait until the damage is irreversible companies are going to always push the limit and look at any repercussions as just a cost of doing business.
So yeah, not much faith in anything changing.
Well yeah, if you were paying $50 a GB wouldn’t you too? Got to lock that shit down!
If it wasn’t $1600 maybe I could buy that. But at that price I am expecting a little bit more and only including 8 gb is pathetic.
I just ordered one of those pillows last night. Can’t wait to try it out.
I googled her and would say there is a strong resemblance. Guess when they make the movie we know who can play Firiona Vie.
Cool app, works real slick when used with share menu too.
Link to fdroid for the lazy.
I thought tabs started with the Opera browser?