Hackerman strikes again
Hackerman strikes again
Roasted lmao
Checkmate, atheists
Notepad good, wordpad bad.
The only time I ever used wordpad was accidentally opening a docx on a PC without word on it and closing it immediately.
Don’t do anything personal while logged into the new schools account even on the old Chromebook. All their logging/tracking is bound to the user account - the device is irrelevant.
Assuming the old Chromebook from the previous school was deprovisioned from management, you’re good, but make sure to only log in with a personal account.
If unifi supports syslog, then yes (I think it does but I don’t have it set up personally)
Splunk. The search tool is great, but has a bit of a learning curve to get it set up right. Watch some vids and you’ll be fine.
I only point a few devices at it and have been able to slide by with the free version for awhile now.
You’ll probably want to do it by dns name
Yes, but also [email protected] has a tonnnnn of activity
Yeah, I’ve sent one to like, limestone network maybe? Or some other similar host. They responded within a few hours and the scans stopped from their IPs for a long time. Just provide logs of whatever you see. The NOC will be able to confirm or deny pretty quickly and take appropriate action.
Could you elaborate on your last sentence?