What about comments though?
What about comments though?
The media was the cancer that killed /b/ all along
You know, I’m glad I’m unplugged from all that crap. I just know Andrew Tate from Peppa Pig fame https://youtu.be/D704yO4wd9Q and something about scams and human trafficking.
I actually liked the old 4chan days when it was understood that everything you saw there was some level of retarded and that if you believe stuff you saw on there, then you’re stupid.
… the most qualified candidate in the history of people running for president…
You do realize that she was extremely widely disliked right? You do realize that we got Trump because the Democrats wanted a stack the deck in her favor by giving air time to the looniest sounding opponent? You two realize that despite all that, she did not have a clear win?
She was so qualified that people thought that the" you’re fired" guy with connections to the mob or whatever, dealings and cover ups with a pornstar, and (at the time) widely talked about connections with a foreign power… Got into the white house?
And you have a gal to blame people who exercise their democratic right to vote? Fuck you. It’s people like you who are the reason that we’re stuck in this polarized two party system.
As for RGB, yes she should have retired under Obama. The Republicans did all kinds of shenanigans to get all their supreme Court people in, and it’s okay when they do it, but the Democrats have to fight clean or whatever, so now Row v. Wade is gone
Wth is a manosphere? Sounds like a cool name for a gay nightclub tbh
Doh, I got them mixed up. I thought it was on the golden record on Voyager
Yes, this is a case where the carrot is better than the stick. I’m not danish (maybe a blueberry one though), but if I was prone to burning books and the government suddenly cracked down on that, maybe I’m also prone to burning constitutions?
I feel like DeLonghi is just plastic crap but maybe I’m wrong?
Harry Potter 8 : so it turns out Voldemort put horcruxes on space probes
I think the movie did a pretty good job of showing that he wasn’t the inventor of the atomic bomb. The moniker has always been “father” of the atomic bomb, since he was more of a supervisor and manager than a deep researcher at that point
No, no it’s not.
Ok, you first
… what’s wrong with Joe Rogan? The traditional media has smeared him because they don’t like that CNN plus shat the bed and they’re sad about it.
He’s just a ‘normal’ dude. The fact that you put him in with he likes of Andrew Tate, or Peppa Pig fame, says a lot about what you’ve been led to believe.
I’m not a big fan of Rogan, but I don’t dislike either, I’m just not a podcast person very often. The guy just has conversations with all kinds of people.
Makes sense to me. Treat whole groups of people as your enemy and find out that people don’t like you very much.
Does lemmy have sort by controversial?
I’m not a right wing person, but I’m not a fan of the current neoliberal culture war people from the democrats either.
Speaking as an independent, people for unironically say the word bigot come off as unpalatable as people who unironically (actually ironically is probably worse) say the word snowflake. And really, you’re saying effing? Say your curse worse and commit or don’t bother.
The biggest weapon the objectively immoral on the right have is the subjective disgust they have with ‘leftist’ social rhetoric. Everyone is just reactionary and out country is in a mutually abusive relationship with a side of self harm
What do they think they do at the factory?
And this is why I think plug in hybrids are the way to go for most new car buyers for the next few years. Unfortunately greenies think im a plague doctor peddling useless herbs and the diesel heads are convinced that I invented a way to replace testicles with soybeans.
A PHEV uses 5x less critical material than a compatible BEV, and people with one of these can be in ev mode 80% of the time or at least run the gas engine but get way higher carbon efficiency than ICE alone.
Unfortunately the new IRA bill nuked federal rebate for most of them and dealers are still charging an arm, leg, kidney, and firstborn in dealer markups
The control panel peaked at windows 7 though
“animal: evolves to run away from predators as a defense mechanism”
humans: ayo, catch that shit and put it in circle with wood so they can’t leave, since, you know, they like to move. Also posts provide all their food and water and let them fuck to make more. Eat them with the evil plants.