It baffles me how much humans want to control each other. Any three humans in a room and you’ve got four opinions on how everyone else should live.
I’m tired of this, can’t we just let people do as they please. I say we all just: Live. Laugh. Love.
Many fall in the face of chaos, but not this one, not today
It baffles me how much humans want to control each other. Any three humans in a room and you’ve got four opinions on how everyone else should live.
I’m tired of this, can’t we just let people do as they please. I say we all just: Live. Laugh. Love.
What is that quote? Anyone know?
Ooo a new Neal book, how was it?!
Here’s an online calculator
The seller though usually turns around and spends all that money on a bigger place, taking out a larger mortgage with greater interest payments.
So realistically the only entity profiting from rising house prices are banks and real estate agents.
Sellers feel richer, but then they lose it on the next place that is more expensive
I wanted to say the same thing, use it or lose it.
Pain sometimes comes from injury or other mechanism, but loads of people with back pain just need to exercise more.
A strong back will do wonders.
Likewise a strong wrist will resist keyboard pain. It won’t tolerate bad typing posture or a crappy keyboard, but it will resist pain with a good ergo keyboard and good posture
A Calvin and Hobbes AI meme, truly we live in times
So teachers must never share any details about their personal lives and only ever speak about books?
One would think that reflection of the impact of literature on ones personal life is an important part of analysis.
Also that teachers should be fully and authentically present for their students, not just glorified YouTube lectures.
Whoa thanks kind stranger.
Does anyone have this meme template
Make that hose in their hands an electric guitar and they’re ready for the Waterworld equivalent of WITNESS ME
This looks uncannily like my shelf, I’m trying to buy land now for my permaculture forest 😭
I know a Thomas too! He’s the straight cis eye of a queer hurricane. And it wasn’t always this way, he just keeps pulling folks into his massive orbit. Folks who later realize they are queer. He never brings it up or even seems to notice.
I finally realized what’s going on and it’s just a little weird. Like, what the hell is going on? Do my friends even have free will?! Do I?!
I conclude that Thomas has such a pure heart and loves so freely that he innervates people with restless souls. They/we are drawn to this vibe like planets in his solar orbit.
I should write him a poem about this
Thomas’ pure heart
Orbit for expanding souls
A queer hurricane
Whoa this song absolutely slaps. I’m so glad you posted this!
(JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures Stardust Crusaders rewatch)
I love that show so much. I rewatch it all the time
Wait was I funny on accident