Proving again that Sherman didn’t go far enough.
Proving again that Sherman didn’t go far enough.
I also still browse the desktop site when I’m at work and I feel like the vibe has nosedived. Shit post subs like AITAH are front paging more than ever, the subs I frequent have less activity and that activity is lower quality. I am getting way more rude, unhelpful, ignorant comments.
It’s about a third of all birds.
We shouldn’t be using organic pesticides either.
Can we please stick to talking about Rampart guys?
I’m close to you. 118F in Colorado, -30 in Chicago during the polar vortex. I had icicles in my beard within minutes, it was gnarly.
It’s not a mysery, we don’t need psychics or time travellers to figure out what the founders meant. James Madison kept extensive notes on the Constitutional Convention. The intent behind the 2a is in there, as well as several earlier revisions of the final wording. All the modern court rulings are insane when you understand the founders’ real intent.
Working in a hospital lab in a neighboring county to these cases. We all just had to bust out the malaria testing gear and do our annual training early.
Sounds like a German highway
It’s a majority black town that has maintained unelected white leadership since reconstruction. I think the motives are obvious here