I still don’t understand how there can be any question, they caught him writing his memoir “How i totally killed that guy and why” by Luigi Mangione (an autographed copy). Open and shut case
I still don’t understand how there can be any question, they caught him writing his memoir “How i totally killed that guy and why” by Luigi Mangione (an autographed copy). Open and shut case
Australia has too many electricity distributors shipping profits overseas instead of upgrading the grid
Доброе утро, товарищ
Do you have something more like a sweater?
He’s about to smuggle food into a cinema
No, obtain a real human skeleton from… a legal skeleton store 🤔
Didn’t you hear, they’ve almost succeeded at nuclear fusion, almost 90 whole seconds of stable fusion, any day now
Is the joke that they really mean the N-word?
Once you all agree on a day, let me know and I’ll take the other one. No queues anywhere!
AI has become the genie granting overly specific wishes.
“You said, with his five fingers clasped in prayer”
I kinda assumed this was part of their plan. Rope along some Republicans who are too moderate(?) for Trump, then ditch at the last minute and tell them they have to vote for Trump now. Gives less chance that they’ll have time to sway to Dems or other 3rd party candidates
Love to see the face of Jan 6 2.0 rioters, when they realized someone in power actually wants to stop them this time
I hear Boeing ordered 6 of these rockets all ready
So I would be best installing it at my nose height?
Our IT often use a Boolean as a shortcut for figuring out things in code. For example, if there’s a charge we don’t apply to some customers, instead of setting it to zero, they’ll have a Boolean on the customer to decide whether they skip that part of the calculation. On top of this, they then name it in a way that limits how many records they have to update, this leads to many settings phrased in the negative, such as “Don’t apply extra leg charges”. As an extra layer on this, more recently they were made aware of the confusion this causes for staff and their solution was to change how end users are the question, which causes the “yes/no” in the interface to read the opposite of the “true/false” in the database
Why do you need dual cup holders? Is that so it can hold an extra large mountain dew?
What’s “CARiES”?