CDs were more like 1992. I was around 5-6 then and distinctly remember getting Vanilla Ice’s CD.
CDs were more like 1992. I was around 5-6 then and distinctly remember getting Vanilla Ice’s CD.
I could, and typically do break it up into a few sections. It’s also about a 1500 difference between a 52 inch deck Cub Cadet and the Ego.
How does this work though for large yards(5+ acres etc)
I live on 5 acres in MN but just don’t trust the electric snowblower or riding mower.
For reference I have the ego chainsaw, weed eater, leaf blower and push mower (previous house).
The push mower ate through 3 batteries easily on a small lot.
It will work itself out. There have been splits in the past. /r/Indianapacers became /r/pacers and /r/prowrestling became /r/squaredcircle.
The real issue is having the same username on multiple instances. It’s going to cause issues.
I honestly think during the sign up the registration to a server needs to be randomized to spread the load. That and allow the user counts to be global and not just to your instance and you then have user load balancing.
If we could also migrate our data between servers with a backup server option. When goes down, just switch to a different randomized backup server.
I got back from RMNP in May. Absolutely loved it. Saw 3 moose, about a thousand elk and some mule deer.
Emerald Lake Trail was covered in snow and very slick so we unfortunately didn’t do the hike, but every trail was amazing
Wait…i thought it wasn’t a big deal and just a friendly protest?