“Because he’s following his principles, he is literally now subsisting on bread and water,”
And my first thought was “NOW he has principles?”
Retired computer programmer who is now a Volunteer Naturalist and Volunteer Ranger for local and state parks. And I play hockey to try to stay in shape.
“Because he’s following his principles, he is literally now subsisting on bread and water,”
And my first thought was “NOW he has principles?”
Fear the Weapons of Math Instruction!
If I read a book to inform myself, put my notes in a database, and then write articles, it is called “research”. If I write a computer program to read a book to put the notes in my database, it is called “copyright infringement”. Is the problem that there just isn’t a meatware component? Or is it that the OpenAI computer isn’t going a good enough job of following the “three references” rule to avoid plagiarism?
I view the protest as a shot across the bow. The warning about how much impact the changes are going to cause if Reddit doesn’t back off. Reddit management has gone with “damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead”. It is the next round that is going to indicate whether mods and users are really ready to bail.
Are they calling it “Jesse Watters Down the News”?
1 - Tenure just got thrown out.
To implement these reforms, the superintendent is requiring every employee in the 29 schools, from the janitor to the principal, to reapply for their job.
2 - No libraries.
Miles has said that librarians will likely be eliminated—because, in his view, their job consists only of “checking out books,”
3 - Fire Brigade method of staffing.
“He seems to be taking an approach that’s based on the idea of equity, the idea of finding the strongest educators in the entire district and moving them to the campuses that have the greatest number of students with unmet needs.”
4 - Big Brother comes to the classroom. Not mentioned was the additional staffing to watch monitors and “disciplinary enforcers” needed to remove poorly behaving students and watch them in the separate room.
a strict disciplinary regime enforced by cameras in every classroom.
So now I get to decide if Xtwit is worth $1/year. And my answer is “No.”