Hitler be looking at how the US is handling the Native “problem” and be taking notes
Hitler be looking at how the US is handling the Native “problem” and be taking notes
They should just read the project 2025 agenda points live on air nonstop.
Noone is paying attention to that. Their strategy should be hammering this over and over and over nonstop. They have had no strategy for a year while focus was on the Republicans, and they still have no agenda other than Trump bad and Biden is not that old.
They changed that number down to 6, and that is assuming the allegations are even real.
I have a feeling that “too big to fail” will continue to be the mantra in the west for bailing these institutions out.
As my Mormon friend said, God is like a T Rex, it can’t see you if you don’t move
Yes its real, it’s called zero tollerance.
U done fucked up when even Ezra Klein tells you to go.