What’s the monetization like on this? I knew this was one of Sony’s GaaS. I think $50 is a good price, but what is the ongoing cost for content?
What’s the monetization like on this? I knew this was one of Sony’s GaaS. I think $50 is a good price, but what is the ongoing cost for content?
It’s not competitive. It’s cooperative. It doesn’t even have a pvp mode.
And even if it had a pvp mode, 3 days isn’t going to change anything long term. It’s such a minor issue. It’s just another thing for people to needlessly complain about.
In this case, Carroll can start taking possession of his assets herself. She does not seem particularly sheepish about that. For some of these people, they can hide their assets, but Trump’s are publicly known. I can’t say what will happen, but there’s some teeth to this one. And Trump couldn’t argue with the damages amount because he’d risk losing one of his other cases that hinges on his assets’ worth.
They did, yes. Getting pretty common these days. Early Access with a preorder of a higher priced digital edition of a game. Seems relatively harmless to me. I would never pay for that, but I think if it means that much to you, it’s not hurting anything.
I mean, who was searching for that before the game released? I imagine you’d see the same trend with basically every game immediately following release. Not to downplay the issues the game has having, but this is like a “duh” kind of thing.
For me, not a great month. Interested in Prodeus, but not much else stands out for me personally.
One day I need to get around to trying Banjo Tooie. I’ve always wanted to at least give it a shot. I finished Yooka Layler, so surely it can’t be that bad.
Big range. My main issue is just convenience. I have a PSVR2, and it’s just a pain to use. Like, you really have to dedicate yourself to using it. It has never felt like something you just do spur of the moment. You can’t just sit back and relax.
I feel like it’s more convenience than simplicity that’s the issue. Though, I’d argue that the whole federation thing is way more complicated than what most people would likely tolerate. I tried to explain it to my husband, and it was even hard to explain succinctly. Like, I’m sure someone has come up with a way to say it, but it’s not as straightforward as you make it sound. At least, I don’t think it is.
If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. Streaming services aren’t cheap. That being said, if you get a majority of your daily entertainment from something, like a lot of people seem to with YT, then I think it’s worth the money. Like, it’s easy to think of YT and Google as these evil corporations, and they totally are, but at the same time, hosting video at the scale that YT does isn’t a charity, you know?
I’m sure I’ll get roasted for this, but just get YouTube Premium. As much content as people tend to consume on YT, I don’t know why it’s the only platform people seem so against paying for. YTP views are worth more to content creators. There’s no ads. And you can’t get YT music with it too. Honestly, it’s just a massive amount of content and nothing even comes close. I know the joke is “who would pay for YT Premium”, but l, at least in my house, it gets like 10x the use of Netflix and Hulu.
He’s polling higher than that. Closer to like 5-6 percent in quite a few states. It’s certainly enough to swing the election.