… Except mine was also obviously sarcastic. Which you missed.
… Except mine was also obviously sarcastic. Which you missed.
Awww shit, you right. I forgot that women are all just cum sluts and men are perfect angels who do nothing wrong ever. Good wholesome folks will have access to abortions if they’re life threatening without issue, suuuuurely
It’s even more bizarre when women vote for / agree with this shit. What woman actually wants to go through this or thinks it’s necessary?
Well that was hard to watch. Already didn’t like this dickhead but now I reeeally don’t like ‘im
… I wanna say duh? lol
Oh good, that’s encouraging lol
What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving lol
As it always is. Slaps on the wrist and nothing real ever being done about it. We have no good solution to this shit. Electric cars destroy the environment, gas cars destroy the environment, horses are unfeasible for the modern age, walking is unfeasible for the modern age… God we’re so fucked
Nah nah nah, fuck both of them.
It’s getting 100% intentional. I find it ironic when CoD used to be known for being a fairly storage conscious game and now it’s this monstrosity we see before us. Glorified $70 DLC that takes up MORE space than the game it was made for
Amen. They make their platform sound so moral until you look at their doctrine for more than a minute
I think we all kind of live in a perpetual state of this line of questioning lol More and more, though, I know what’s wrong with me but still can’t fathom wtf is wrong with everyone else 🤣
Oh boy - the nutjob is at it again
It’s infinitely funny watching super villains bitch and moan when people stand up to them. Good on the protesters. Fuck Shell
What a disgusting pos
Faaair, but that seems more than a little rare lol