Well, presumably more than a few dozen light years away. A few dozen lightyears is nothing on a cosmic scale.
Nah, that’s more related to the episode named ‘Lower Decks’ I think.
Ah, I could see that. It can be read either way, but I think the author intended it to be read this way. ‘Wow!’ As the reaction to the father’s statement that he won’t have to work if he does something he loves.
Yes how is the text supposed to for?
Interesting read. Thank you.
Yep. I found it fascinating. I think the version I had probably had a forward from Asimov talking about how we were wrong about guesses about Venus.
I don’t remember much else from the story except this, and the big reveal of the whodunnit. (Or more accurately the how).
There was a young adult sci fi series by Asimov called ‘Lucky Starr’ and I remember Venus was Oceanic in that one. Old old series.
Oh good. I was worried they were defenseless.
We had a Garden Spider for one summer on the corner of our porch.
She was so chill and we loved having her around. They often rebuild that beautiful web every night.
She laid a few sacs, but none of her children stuck in our yard, sadly.
Did some checking, out of curiosity.
And yeah. Interesting as hell.
We recorded 65 dBSPL (dB of sound pressure level) ultrasonic sounds 4 inches (10 cm) from tomato and tobacco plants, implying that these sounds could be detected by some organisms from up to several feet (meters) away.
Did some searching. The paper from 2019 that discussed this -
We recorded 65 dBSPL (dB of sound pressure level) ultrasonic sounds 4 inches (10 cm) from tomato and tobacco plants, implying that these sounds could be detected by some organisms from up to several feet (meters) away.
Same. Would like answers.
Saying ‘nu-uh… you are…’ is right up his alley.
Is it your comic? If so, good job.
I consider myself to have a decent vocabulary, but I would not have gotten sinuous’ definition correct.
Harbinger I knew, but it’s nice to see In a positive example.
The other two were new to me.
And the next sentence is ‘That is a lie.’
Is this calling the claim of his bad couch loving a lie, or his previous sentence where he denied it?
With how it’s worded, it could even imply that he did reach completion, just that he was too selfish to help the couch get there.
I’m also one of today’s 10,000!
Unless you were early eighties baby and introduced to BBS at a remarkably young age like me. Oregon Trail generation FTW.