False. Hunter was charged and convicted of criminal acts that are generally unenforced for the rich and powerful. The fact that they are generally unenforced does nothing to offset the fact that his actions were ultimately criminal.
Not being given a “get out of jail free” card when all your friends got one for doing the same thing =/= being singled out for your political affiliation.
Again, not being extended a courtesy because you are rich and expect that courtesy to be extended is not the same thing as being the subject of a witch hunt. In EXACTLY the same way a lotto winner might have their old tax records reviewed, people in any kind of spotlight are going to be under increased scrutiny. People like Hunter have access to every resource imaginable to help them stay current on their taxes and avoid violating the law. Problem with people like hunter is that they expect to be treated with kid gloves so they take shortcuts. $1.3 million in back taxes isn’t a “whoopsie” most people get away with, and they shouldn’t. All Joe is showing America here is that the Biden’s are rich people first and American citizens second.