Still one of the sexiest planes in existence. I’m hating them being retired.
Still one of the sexiest planes in existence. I’m hating them being retired.
It’s SFW if you’re crossing the Equator?
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I love headlines like this. “in 2 months”???
Is that a long enough time to get them trained for a mission like that?!?
I’m on my 3rd Husky (one them was white…he was a cool dude).
I love the breed, but I’m getting too damn old to harness up my current one, grab my skateboard and MUSH!
Great dogs…but can be a nightmare for the uninformed/unprepared!
I’m going all-in on shitpost.
Military personnel are still just people doing the job…just like the rest of us.
Go on…you have my attention…
I’m almost positive that’s a Dalmation.
Scooby-Doo would a word with you…he just enjoyed some things in the past that are now legal in most U.S. states. That doesn’t make him, or his relatives “disgusting”!
Ah…thank you! Now we’re in the spirit!
I can’t believe I haven’t seen a “your mom” joke in here yet! WTF people?!? ;D
If it were American “cheese” he’d be preserved for a millenia!
Damn…I’m going to be getting a lot of dog videos from my parents.
You also need to realize that just because your state always votes red, it’s NOT JUST THE PRESIDENTIAL VOTE that matters. It’s the local politicians that get seats in the House and Senate that matter just as much (or more?!?). Pay attention just more than just who’s running for President.