I have two EcoTank printers, one is set up with normal ink and the other one gets used by my partner for sublimation printing for her crafting projects, they’re absolutely the next best thing to a laser printer.
Reddit-pocalypse refugee.
I have two EcoTank printers, one is set up with normal ink and the other one gets used by my partner for sublimation printing for her crafting projects, they’re absolutely the next best thing to a laser printer.
The website is hosted in Langley, Virginia, home of the CIA.
Yeah, that’s totally not suspicious in any way, shape or form whatsoever…
No need to apologise. Glad I cleared things up a bit.
No, they represent English interests, the bias against the other home-nations especially Scotland is incredible even from BBC Scotland itself, it’s quite subtle to an outsider but to someone who lives here, the BBC is not the impartial broadcaster that it’s meant to be anymore.
Truth is subjective, for world news, yeah they’re pretty on the ball, for UK domestic news, they’re biased as fuck.
Wait until you learn about wetware.
Those never fail to make me chuckle
I’ll send you my bank details, I expect the $800 in my account by the close of business tomorrow.
I have a “Ruin their day in any possible way” policy when dealing with nazis online, in person I have a “punch them in the mouth and see what happens” policy.
I’m imagining crawling into the still warm interior of a 2 meter long croissant, it would be like an edible sleeping-bag.
Me neither, this is scandalous…
Douglas Adams - Mostly Harmless
I’m not a programmer, but I have to say, the quality of posts here is outstanding.
called /u/Spez a cunt
This is inaccurate, /u/Spez lacks warmth and depth and has never given anyone pleasure.
A little sad and a lot salty, my main account got suspended by reddit in retaliation for actions taken as a moderator and got totally ignored by members of the mod relations team and their oh so smugly named “anti evil operations” drones.
I’m sad Reddit is no longer the site it was
I’m glad that Spez and the rest of the reddit execs get to see their precious cash-cow die in flames.
EcoTank printers don’t seem to give a shit what ink you put in them as long as its liquid and preferably the right colour