I don’t know why, but “mechanical turk” keeps cropping up when I think about this sort of stuff.
I don’t know why, but “mechanical turk” keeps cropping up when I think about this sort of stuff.
Has anybody seen the movie WALL-E?
It’s probably a bit of a stretch, but I feel like this is somehow the genesis/precursor of the hoverchairs that all the adults use for everything.
(God, I hope not.)
Well T.I.L. Thank you.
Yup it was a CBC show, picked up by Netflix.
I figured it would be easier to say it the way I did rather than doing the semantics dance, mainly because Netflix is (unfortunately) more recognizable than CBC to most people.
Also, I’m unaware if CBC has a way to stream or watch the show on-demand.
ETA: Thank you for the clarification add by the way.
For those who don’t know, the image is from
Kim’s Convenience (Netflix). A great show, from a used to be decent streamer.
Putin will probably just pull some more strings or use whatever leverage he supposedly has against Trump, so it ends up with Russia getting Alaska back with some form of a federal government payout too, that will be doled out to the working class in the form of a tax increase.
My first thought is all the maga people are going to run up to Alaska to “defend freedom” from Russia.
I then realized that probably won’t happen because they’ll only listen to what Trump tells them to do, so they’ll sit back and watch as the USA is reduced to 49 states.
In their eyes, you can’t spell RUSsiA without U.S.A…
I know the word doesn’t make sense, but that’s still a pretty funny coincidence (“rhought” kind of sounds like “Rott”-weiller)
Cell phone incoming signals: dit dit dit…dit dit dit…dit dit dit…buzzzzzzzzzz…dit dit dit…buzzzzzz…ringtone.