Finding a romantic partner should come naturally from making friends. Friend may introduce you to a romantic partner, or they could become one.
That’s a lovely idea, unfortunately a lot of us are growing old waiting for this bullshit.
Finding a romantic partner should come naturally from making friends. Friend may introduce you to a romantic partner, or they could become one.
That’s a lovely idea, unfortunately a lot of us are growing old waiting for this bullshit.
I don’t agree with everything the guy above you said, but my circumstances are very similar to his.
I have friends, but they don’t know anyone they can introduce me to.
Sports are off the table due to both health problems and a lack of interest (do you really want group activities to be full of disinterested guys just there to chat up chicks?), never mind that they’re all heavily male-dominated around here.
Local councils put on events, but they are either for children, for mothers, or for seniors.
Everything has been turned into a product to be sold to you, almost every event costs money, and when you do pony up the events are somewhere between borderline scams and actual scams.
This is a recurring issue with this subject. Someone offers advice, someone points out why that advice isn’t very applicable, and the first person makes no attempt to “adapt and overcome” themselves and either a) offer better advice, or b) admit that they don’t have any better suggestions.
Calling it a thirst trap is too innocent. These dating app companies are scum-sucking vampires designed to make most people feel lonely and desperate enough to give them money in perpetuity. People just handed one of the most important and intimate aspects of their lives over to US tech bros, pressured everyone else to do the same, and two whole generations are not just having less sex than their parents, but half of them have never had a long-term relationship as they’re approaching 30.
I’m as much at a loss for what you’re saying as the guy above you. No, this is baffling. It’s like when non-native English speakers or kids use conjunctions incorrectly and try to connect two entirely unrelated things.
Rap got popular in the 80’s, like NWA and Run DMC, right as GenXers were entering their formative years. Really not hard to figure out before posting pointless replies.
This post is inaccurate. Neither WiFi nor GPS use FHSS, nor is Lamarr anything close to singularly credited with FHSS’ invention (the earliest patent is credited to Nikola Tesla). This also implies that the Allies used her parent - they did not.
Also Richard Easton is the son of the man who invented GPS and had every right to be skeptical of this claim, and it looks like Internet dipsh*ts have bullied him into deleting his twitter account over this.
This is one of the strangest sentences I’ve ever read, even with context. In the history of the human race, has anyone specifically accused good actresses of not being good with tech?
The whole trend is nothing new. Millennials and some GenXers were stealing all their slang from American rappers when they were young, too.
Do yourself a favour and don’t read the possible side effects on the back of the box of paracetamol you bought from the supermarket.
You search for one thing and it starts showing recommendations.
I fail to see how this is a bad thing. Youtube’s old default homepage would show scam and content mill recommendations.
Figuring out matrix was annoying for me. I had to figure out which client program to use, I had to navigate the less-than-ideal way of joining servers, and there was a difficulty curve for understanding the program’s features and how to use it. It wasn’t impossible, but it took effort
I went through the same effort and all I got for my troubles was a few dead chatrooms where what little discussion exists is purely about distros.
The barrier to entry filtered out everyone else.
If an OSS project is designed to connect people with each other, and it doesn’t do that well, it’s kind of a failure.
Looking at you, Matrix.
Discord is moderating private chats PC Gamer
This annoys me, not because discord is doing anything wrong, there needs to be a way to report spam and abuse, but because users can potentially abuse the feature. My hope is that reported DMs past a certain age are automatically ignored.
Discord moderating policy is becoming more ideological and political. TechCrunch
This one is just inevitable due to all the kids on it. Discord doesn’t want media and govts breathing down its neck after kids are bullied into killing themselves via the platform.
Where it gets annoying is one of the bigger public servers in Oz is straight-up a neo-nazi recruitment vector, and no amount of reporting seems to get anything done about it.
I mean I agree that this is a new user nightmare, but we’ve been conditioning people for 30 years to download and run random .EXE files as admin too.
I hope they continue to resist and eventually cause a larger change for the better across the region.
Except that’s not what’s happening if you read the article, on either count.
Women aren’t resisting childbirth as an act of rebellion or as an exercise of their rights, there’s just too many competing pressures in their lives to table in having kids. Coupled with declining rates of attachment and a distraction-based economy, this isn’t a ‘win’ for anyone.
And population decline is a crisis we don’t know how to deal with. Old people have little economic output, but use up a lot of resources. It means the kids who are still born end up carrying a huge burden paying for and caring for older generations, they end up tax serfs in an aged care-based economy, and if older generations aren’t cared for you end up with human atrocities on a massive scale.
Most of these comments are problematic. You don’t have to have children, but for most people it has been a pretty consistent and natural inclination. Now a whole generation are convincing themselves they don’t want children when they really just can’t, and rather than holding those responsible to account and improving all our circumstances, they’re treating it as some personal victory.
So what would federating involve, then? How would it change how users see
I thought Threads was supposed to be a competitor to twitter? I don’t understand how they’d even integrate with Lemmy instances. I’m here to see posts from boards/forums/subs, not from specific people. Would posts from random Threads user profiles start showing up on the main page?
Would be less confusing if not everyone was claiming to be oppressed. One of raddle’s site rules is “no oppression” and I still have no fucking clue what that means.
Just checked on old.reddit. Can still see comments with negative votes.
Very ‘inspirational’, but as useless as your previous reply.