Thank you for adding the link to the article!
Thank you for adding the link to the article!
It is true. Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks for saying what I was screaming.
You have completely lost the plot. This topic is about Windows and Linux ease of use. I don’t know what you’re talking about anymore.
Perfect. Good solution. Linux only for the elite.
This. This is truth!
So that makes the “get good” advice valid? What are you talking about bro? I didn’t say Linux isn’t valid. I think you must have replied to me specifically on accident because your response isn’t germane to my reply. Or if you feel it is please explain. Make sure you use as many polysyllabic words as possible. I think you wrote up one of the Linux documents I’m to understand.
Or maybe I’ll just say: cool story bro.
This is what’s holding the community back. The “get good” advice isn’t really advice and keeps Linux from hitting the mainstream. I get it you’re amazing at Linux but the rest of us shouldn’t have to go back to school to get a computer degree and become a Linux professional in order to use it. This is the same person that replies to questions about Linux with “why do you need the GUI just use the command line instead or it’s dead simple just type: followed by like 80 lines of code that people can’t make heads or tails of because they’re novices. Man I get that you want to flex but it’s a pretty strange flex.
This is the point I was trying to get at; although very inelegantly. Thanks for this.
I would propose that perhaps linking religion with the religious leadership is linking Christianity with “the church”. And using that logic all Christians condone pedaphilia which isn’t the case. Islam the religion isn’t about cruelty anymore than Christianity is about white supremacy.
Also by that logic and if as you say you feel Islam is as whacked as Christianity you should just ban religious people. While being more exclusive I could get on board with that doctrine.
I’m sure she was Muslim till the very last cause I’d sure as hell find religion when I’m facing the end. I’d like to think I’d remain rational but it’s daunting AF. But she’s not one of the bad ones is she?
You wouldn’t deny that woman entry would you?
What about the nice people actually attempting to find a better life and a way out of the tyranny and oppression?
Same thing happened to me. I realized it was trek memes. Didn’t understand the relevance of Risa. Googled on memory alpha and found out. Had a good laugh at the joke as it were. Understood why there was no written out explanation of the naming. It’s part of the spirit and injokeness of the place.
The reason people are antagonistic is because it’s all coming across a bit entitled.
It’s just trek memes. Chill. You’re going to be ok man.
I think it is. I think this applies to your life more than you’d like to probably admit. I hope that you find joy and bliss and realize that the people in your life care about you and you don’t need to defend who you are to anyone.
I don’t know you and wasn’t looking to fight with you and after you called me a dense motherfucker for being - in your eyes - willfully repugnant I still care enough about you to see someone hurting. So if a stranger on the internet can reach out to you and hopes with all his being that you find solace then maybe the world doesn’t suck. So… yeah it is that deep. At least for me.
Yes. I need to chill. Me. How much more face value can you get from the lede in the article? Maybe the title of the article I suppose. However as addressed by other comments the article in whole was probably in bad faith.
You don’t need to defend your life. I hope you don’t approach every exchange as an opportunity to fight. There must be a better way to communicate without being combative with each other. Surely not every interaction needs to be conflict? I wasn’t attacking you or veganism. I don’t know you and please don’t think you know me. I didn’t think my comment was antagonizing. If I was that’s entirely on me.
My wife and I were considering how to alter our diet. Our friend is a vegan and we were talking about it with him. I’ll stick to that. I’ll try to not be a dense mother fucker and I hope you are open to people surprising you with happiness and joy. Or not. Doesn’t matter to me.
Look I’m sorry. I thought I had phrased my comment in a nonthreatening and inclusive way. But I guess you are right and I’m a complete useless human moron.
I’ll not comment anymore then.
Please see also my response to the other non toxic vegan person for clarification.
It just occurred to me that this Vegan influencer was promoting a lifestyle that may be dangerous and we should discuss it but I’m a moron so I’ll go away.
This is a case like not all gun owners suck only some gun owners suck.
The article was unfair. That’s a good discussion topic. Vegans aren’t all fruit people. That’s also valid. The importance of diet and the impact on our earth - also valid and crucial. How I should behave as to not come across as a dense moron - I’m not sure interesting to anyone else but I’m willing to have a go if you both are.
Wow. Are you going to be ok? I’m not sure if you’re reading into my comment with some baggage.
You’re absolutely right about fruit based - I casually wrapped vegan and fruit based together without realizing that she was practicing an extreme diet and it wasn’t indicative of a vegan diet.
I suppose I’m not aware of how much grief you get from society or people to defend your choices.
I’ll try not to comment on vegan topics anymore and I’m not sure what I said specifically to deserve such venom but I’ll do my best to not come across as a moron I guess.
I didn’t obfuscate facts from the article. I wasn’t attempting to summarize the article. I was asking how her diet doesn’t account for issues stemming from her diet. But I see now what you mean that her being vegan and eating only fruit are two different things. I guess reading it casually I wasn’t sensitive to what must be your plight.
Hope you feel better.
I think it’s worthwhile to understand that it has nothing to do with you and that it is more a reflection on their professionalism and dedication to their work. That being said things happen and be compassionate to them while not letting people walk all over you.
Stay strong. It’s not about thick skin it’s about empathy I feel.