Op Reddit zit het vol met Nederlanders, dus ik zou wel peizen dat er redelijk veel mee gemigreerd zijn naar Lemmy.
Op Reddit zit het vol met Nederlanders, dus ik zou wel peizen dat er redelijk veel mee gemigreerd zijn naar Lemmy.
Yeah, I truly don’t understand how it became a top domain
I’ve actually never used flatpak, I still prefer distro-specific package managers
As a package maintainer, it’s a lot of fun sometimes!
But, but, the Euler-Lagrange equation is really cool!
I truly dislike .zip domain names tho
You have heard about Debian because it’s a really good distro that has wide usage (especially in the server space). It’s however a bad distro to install on PCs that are to be used by office workers who aren’t necessarily familiar with it, and whoever advised the government should’ve known that Debian is picky about hardware compatability.
It was truly a baffling decision to go for Debian in this instance.
Duizend bommen en granaten!
I’ve never seen that on a menu, even at American-style pizza places. It just sounds like too much?
Are you French perchance? Because complaining about the French is just about the most French thing I can imagine.
Here you go, enjoy!
What is GDPR approval? You just need to comply to the GDPR right?
Why would you want the window to open when you open your door?