The attack on education has a lot of benefits for them, but high on the list: they dont want critical thinkers. They want people who can be manipulated into “voting 3rd party”, or who can be lulled into apathy, so that they can enact Project 2025.
The attack on education has a lot of benefits for them, but high on the list: they dont want critical thinkers. They want people who can be manipulated into “voting 3rd party”, or who can be lulled into apathy, so that they can enact Project 2025.
There is no mindset keeping people from voting third party. It’s impossible for anything but a two party system to result from a First Past the Post system. It’s not a bug, as they say, it’s a feature.
There is no momentum, it will always fail. Go to Wikipedia and look up the article “Political Parties in the United States”. They have a chart showing the popular vote break down going back to Washington. Check out 232 years of history telling you how ineffective and useless it is to vote 3rd party in our current system.
You have to get rid of the Electoral College and FPTP FIRST, before a vote for an alternate candidate will ever have any meaning. This isn’t my opinion. It’s reality, and it’s time you joined it.
Think about someone watching all 3 Back to the Futures and coming away from them thinking Biff Tannen was the real hero in each story.
Trump voters.
12 jurors impartially reviewed the evidence, trump’s lawyers were allowed to DISPUTE that evidence, and in the end, those 12 jurors talked about it then came back and said with one voice, GUILTY AF.
But thanks for playing.
You know what’s funny? You calling him dumb, when it was probably someone exactly like you, with your subpar reading and comprehension skills, that made the clerical error showing his license was still suspended when it had actually been restored.
In his story, his friend’s mother boldly picked mushrooms from her backyard, cooked them into an omelet for the family, but DID NOT EAT the omelet herself.
Nothing would stop her from growing old while continuing this pattern of bold collecting, although a stint in prison might make for an earlier retirement than expected from the foraging scene.
Comrade, just take off your mask and vote Republican.
One of the first things you learn to get your driver’s license is the Basic Speed Law, you must not drive faster than the driving conditions would allow. If only Full Self Driving followed the law and reduced its max speed based on the same.
Donald Trump thanks you from the cold depths of his orange heart.
You do you tho but don’t be surprised when people shit on you for ensuring a Trump victory, when he makes good on his pledge to help Israel “finish them all”
If you really want to change the party, JOIN it, convince like-minded people to join, and start changing it from the inside.
You know, like the way Trump and MAGA changed the Republicans.
So are you trying to create voter apathy and make sure Trump gets elected, comrade?
Why don’t you join a political party and start a grassroots campaign to replace First Past the Post?
Or maybe you already belong to a party, and are just trying to create apathy to prevent people from voting Democratic to ensure Trump gets re-elected?
At least you named yourself appropriately. Lazy. Otherwise, you would know that Obama attempted to provide a public option for healthcare. You do realize how politics works, right? You need a certain amount of votes and support in order to pass new legislation. If you don’t have enough votes on both sides of the aisle, then you change NOTHING. So yes, one side, the Democrats, tried to provide healthcare that had a public option, and the other side, the Republicans, fought tooth and nail to stop it.
And you blame Obama. <polite golf clap>
But the devil is always in the details, isn’t it? Unless, that is, you stop reading as soon as you hear what you want to hear, and don’t go any further in the article…
According to Professor Ryo Ogiso of Chou University, prosecutors defer prosecution in 60% of the cases they receive, and conclude the remaining 30% or so of cases in summary trials. This summary trial is a trial procedure in which cases involving a fine of 1,000,000 yen or less are examined on the basis of documents submitted by the public prosecutor without a formal trial if there is no objection from the suspect. Only about 8% of cases are actually prosecuted, and this low prosecution rate is the reason for Japan’s high conviction rate.
Trump didn’t STOP student loan payments, Trump PAUSED student loan payments. Biden was the President that actually stopped payments by providing real debt relief, while Republicans attempt to block it with all their heart and soul.
You are so right! He locked and loaded and drove 20 miles away from his front porch, and he didn’t even need to get a hunting license, did he? Level with me, my fellow hunter, after he pulled that trigger and wiped two human lives out of existence forever, do you think that was the first time he ever maintained an erection longer than a couple of seconds?
What I don’t understand, is why some people get hard thinking about other people’s murder counts. Right, buddy? But yeah, respect!
I like to play a game with comments like yours. I call it “Bad Faith or Stupid”. OP also mentioned China, right? So did you ONLY pick the weakest example on his list to build a strawman in bad faith, or…
Out of the people in this thread who are complaining about Biden and the Democrats, how many of them have joined the party, organized, and have pushed to make changes from inside the party?
You know the answer, it’s none of them. Because most of them are here to make sure Trump wins, and the rest are those who are susceptible to that type of propaganda.
Meanwhile, Democrats push for a two-state solution:
Republicans push for genocide:
Oh, you mean Operation Warp Speed, which Trump announced on May 15, 2020 after 100k deaths in the US?
Did you know it was funded by the CARES act, which was introduced into the House by Democrat Joe Courtney on January 24, 2019? Yup, Democrats were introducing Coronavirus legislation over a year before Trump “Warp Speeded”.
But Trump completely bungle testing, couldnt make sure medical personnel had access to protective gear, he continually lied about how serious the pandemic was and spewed misinformation about quack cures like hydroxychloroquine. At a time when America needed unity, Republicans divided it with anti-mask rhetoric, which they continue even today.
But yes, at least Trump signed the CARES Act bill. “Ta da”