Such an original concept and well written. A rare combo.
Such an original concept and well written. A rare combo.
Currently on the last book in the 3 part broken earth series by N.K. Jemisin. The Stone Sky. The first book threw me through a loop. Second one is setting up the third one.
I have a Kobo and use calibre to manage my books. I don’t sync online it’s just plug and remove what I have read and upload my next lot of books that I want to read. My Kobo currently has around 300+ books on it at the moment so I can read whatever I feel like it. Doesn’t help your syncing between different devices but I guess you could us Dropbox or something like that to link up your phone, tablet etc.
Without Google wallet/pay support and it’s 50/50 if banking apps work I won’t be switching but I like everything else about the OS. I don’t want to go back to carrying cards around with me, been too many years of just using my phone for payments. Thank you for the recommendation though.
Deleted my 15 year account and what little posts I had. Joined kbin and lemmy since I don’t know what I was doing. But it also made me think of what other social media and what else I’m using that is governed by corporate overlords. Deleted Twitter and joined Mastodon just to see what is like. I uninstalled Windows 11 and installed Linux Mint on my PC. Now looking for alternatives to Google apps that I use even though I’m on a Google Pixel phone but it’s into it’s 3rd year so it’ll probably die sooner than later. So looking for cloud hosting for photos, spreadsheets etc between my phone and my PC to break away from Google. Anyway moving from Reddit has started a avalanche of introspection of what I’m using. Tldr: No.
The fact that I’m commenting on a post is something I would never of done on reddit means kbin is my new home. I’ve nuked my 15yr old account and there’s no reason to go back.
Great world building with well written characters surrounded by interesting concepts is truly a rare gem to unearth. Will have to have a look at some of her other series.