Winning by less than 1% is not decisive.
Did you somehow miss that the meme is about the people who chose to vote for a third party, or not at all?
Winning by less than 1% is not decisive.
Did you somehow miss that the meme is about the people who chose to vote for a third party, or not at all?
I’ve been out of the GPO game for a while, but I’ve never heard of widespread issues with laptops waking up even if their lids are closed. Did this start with Windows 11?
MacOS just working certainly has a lot more to do with supporting an exponentially smaller array of hardware than either Windows or Linux does.
If you’re truly concerned about Microsoft re-enabling that task, it’s puzzling that you would suggest an Apple product as an alternative.
They are as anti-choice as it gets.
ACPI enabled BIOSes and UEFI support wake timers.
Windows uses this feature to wake the PC all spooky like so you don’t get to click the update button yourself.
While Windows doesn’t have an Arch wiki, the instructions for turning the automatic wake feature off are a web search away. You’ll need another web search to disable automatic updates though.
You dont need to use group policy.
Admin console: powercfg.exe /hibernate off
Now its off. Hybrid sleep is just a faster Hibernate.
Doing what, working on Azure? Also why not just run Linux locally?
Not even that. Go into Task Scheduler and disable the “Update Orchestrator” task. Problem solved.
While there is obviously a lot of military restricted airspace around Nellis, China Lake, and Irwin, the planned route takes the flight 100s of miles further south than necessary.
They are following charted airway routes designated by the FAA. These routes exist to help manage air traffic, ensure accurate navigation, and avoid collisions. Few if any direct routes exist between airports.
So you, being the big brain political science major that you are, read the polls and decided to abstain from voting in the presidential race because you thought it was inevitable that Trump would win?
Sounds pretty far from intelligent to me. Whatever your motivation was, you chose not to vote against the nearly 80 year old narcissistic fascist with dementia, who is easily manipulated by anyone willing to kiss his giant shitty ass.
Your excuses may soothe your concious. To the rest of us, you are one of the many people responsible for the ongoing madness in the US.