Cats can thrive on vegan diets perfectly well. Mine is still with me since like 4 years and didn’t eat a single animal protein in that time…
It’s called being a responsible human and minimizing suffering.
Proud to be woke
Cats can thrive on vegan diets perfectly well. Mine is still with me since like 4 years and didn’t eat a single animal protein in that time…
It’s called being a responsible human and minimizing suffering.
Okay lol, how am I hard on myself? Projecting…
I am not really built like most people. I don’t have some kind of self image that can be harmed or damaged. The only common denominator is lack of care so to say which is interesting and I only got to fully see it through psychedelics. It’s rather entertaining to delve into your psyche and dissect it, it’s fun. And fun is my number one interest and it’s really not easy to fuel my fun meter constantly.
I am worsening my own image not bettering it. I am actually taking hit to my points or whatever or so called reputation on the site as I speak. It’s the opposite actually. I don’t really care about climate as I said earlier. I only pretend to if there is something to gain.
This is like the polar opposite of virtue. It gives me a different perspective
Social media greatest tragedy is giving us the illusion that we are doing something. That we care.
No. If you care you do. If you don’t do - you don’t care, you are just lying to yourself that you do.
You just cannot handle the reality of not being such a good, caring person as you imagine yourself to be hence you write a post on twitter, you read an article, you press the like button. It’s easy. Bam your precious self image is saved.
Is it clear what I am trying to convey? What I mean is all those communities like collapse or the like on Reddit they don’t really care about climate, poverty or any of it. They just use them to solve their mental health problems. Shift the blame and responsibility from themselves.
Those who care are aplenty though probably not enough and are doing various volunteering work.
Same thing for example with animals. If you just post online on TikTok or twitter oh poor critters while eating meat or wearing fur and not doing anything that means you don’t care. So I prefer not lying to myself about it. I don’t care.
Workers rights in third world countries same thing. Didn’t do a single wallet voting? Then it means I don’t care. I am not going to virtue signal for fake points or clout. Action is caring, words are worthless deception, most often self-deception.
Well I care but I don’t act so it means I don’t care. Writing on it on Lemmy isn’t ’caring about it’. It’s just virtue signalling.
It’s better to be honest to yourself that if you don’t do anything about it it means that you don’t care
Idk why you thought throwing racism here is a bright idea tbh
Effectively it changes because we live in post truth society. It doesn’t matter anymore what was the original meaning of the word except to some few nerds that no one listens to anyway. That have phd in politics or something equally useless and cringe.
I wish people stayed true to the original definition of words. Politics would be much easier to navigate. But alas who doesn’t do social manipulation these days: We are freedom fighters except we hate lgbt and are pro Catholicism and some even want return of monarchy vote for us!
It’s such a convoluted philosophy it’s impossible to even say what it is because it means ten different things for ten different countries. In my country they are weird amalgamation of monarchists, conservatives and ultra-capitalist catholics but in Russia they like fight for lgbt rights.
Skill issue
No ios not cool
No fire :/ ah no wait there is a little merry fire
We shall wait for our arrested development queen empress. May she mercifully release with the nfo slur count under ten
I have seen neo nazis bronies and crossdressing in cute outfits
The truth is that they are toothless source of entertainment except for German neo nazis, those should be hanged asap to prevent future invasions of neighbouring countries and I mean really someone please
Good, I may not care about climate that much but I never liked the oil barons
There was a time when I thought my house is a mess
Life after Zionism