Yeah, I made $6.75/hr in 2002 as a manager
Yeah, I made $6.75/hr in 2002 as a manager
Vaping doesn’t negatively affect anyone else’s health though so wanting to prohibit it is just trying to control. It’s like banning scotch because you hate the smell of peat
The biggest problem is them doing illegal shit like scanning all your photos instead of just what you pick
Bourgeoisie is the middle class though. Not the rich
Wow, downvoted for using the definition of a word smh
I’m not aware of any such thing. In fact, I’d say that makes you more qualified.
I also think it’s bullshit to call Jan 6th an insurrection. I want a guillotine on the Capitol steps and actually armed people going against the police. Not for the reasons they did, just in general.
I didn’t vote. That’s the democrats fault. They didn’t run anyone I would vote for in ‘16, 20, or 24
It’s not even about being underfunded. It’s about forcing all students into public school when they aren’t all on the same level when it comes to intelligence or capability to learn, much less their home support system.
The schools that spend the least per student have the best scores
I can speak Thai so I guess I’m okay
First is the obvious saying that there’s nothing stopping him from running for a 3rd term
The 22nd Amendment does. And it would take 38 states to vote to change that.
I see it all as a play to push Vance forward. Whether taking over or just as the next candidate
And I can still run a 2010 MacBook with 4GB to do photo editing and render non HD video
Bloat is too mild a word for Windows
Legalise drugs and you collapse the cartels
Yeah. Reads like the same shit the CIA has been doing since there’s been a CIA
That’s a good classification to have.
The apartment I lived in until June this year was my or my friends home for 20 years, but I stayed sick after the new neighbors moved in and started destroying the place. I couldn’t have food anymore because of the rodents, roaches, bedbugs and diseased water that started running down the walls and leaking through the ceiling.
Checks out
And my point is here they’re more expensive and slower so that’s why people don’t take them.
Does Eurpose use busses, because we have many more travellers take greyhound than Amtrak.
It sounds like you don’t need a laptop, you need a desktop
You were downvoted to 0 when I got here. Poor little xtians getting their feelings hurt
People who believe in a fairy sky daddy are mentally ill and shouldn’t be allowed to hold office or control resources.
So block the article in India but there’s no reason to block it in the rest of the world. Fuck India’s government gonna do to them?
Even if they proved it was him it doesn’t matter. When OJ was acquitted, Jurors admitted they did it as a fuck you to the LAPD and justice system.