Thanks, Filen rings a bell, I’ll make sure to check it out!
Thanks, Filen rings a bell, I’ll make sure to check it out!
Thank you for your reply, the end of security updates is one of my main concerns indeed
Thanks for the advice, it does have an SD slot, but I just tried and the SD is not detected.Tbh, I may have messed it up by trying many things while trying to flash lineage on an old phone that was not detected. I should probably go ask for help on a Linux forum and try to get this fixed before upgrading.
Damn autocorrect, thanks for the heads up!
I can recommend this piece from Hobo Johnson (“why socialism by Albert Einstein”)
This megathread is garbage, it lists quora and twitter threads as sources.
I appreciate a someone making the effort to debunk but your megathread is absolute garbage, I checked a couple links, got redirected toward twitter and quora threads, so ty but don’t spread misinformation.
Franc tireur is an absolute piece of crap, but even a broken clock it right twice a day I guess.
Thanks, I recently needed picocrypt and not being comfortable with the terminal, snap were a rather convenient way to get it installed, I’ll avoid them from now on.
Linux noob here, can someone ELI5 why snaps are bad? And how does .deb works?
This is the last product I still make sacrifice to keep it working on my degoogled devices, because lets be honest, this is the best (“free”) GPS there is out there. I’ve tried so many others but nothing comes close. I dunno what I’ll do if (when) they launch this kind of crap here…
We all know how the far right has a hard time letting go of it’s grip on power, that’s for sure. But this ils no ‘gamble’, like he’d be cornered to do this, he led us here. He is deliberately playing with the french like they’re just paws in his self-centered game.
The conditions he spent years building? Yeah, I’m not falling for that.
That’s be cause what u/balinares forgot to mention is that Macron has been steadily giving the far right his (barely disguized) support by leading policies that are very well aligned with far right ideas, and he has continuously portrayed lefists as crazy. Oh and he also kept setting up debates between his party and the far right leaders, putting them in some sort of ‘legitimate’ position (like there’s been a debate between our prime minister and the head of the far right list for these election, there was absolutely no reason to do it, but hey who give a crap about fairplay uh?). Oh and also we now have our own fox news (cnews here), broadcasting on a public network, but not respecting there duty to remain neutral. But no wonders why, since these media are owned by a far right billionaire.
TLDR: Macron carefully set the conditions for the far right to win these election by portraying them as the only opposition, and now he’s all whiny that surprise surprise, the far right is aslo far ahead.
Comparing it to Chirac’s situation is downplaying how crazy te move is right now. Can you imagine how fucked up this is? Like “oh, the far right has more than twice as many votes as we got, it must be some sort of big misclick situation, lets check it out !”
True, and we dont give a fuck about fixing the economy, we’d rather fix libéralisme/capitalism. Getting rid of the political elite making the business-people elite richer would be a good start. All in all the situation is still much better here from a social rights perspective, but we’re following US steps and setting a perfect ground for fascism (which is already on the rise). And far right people vote. And old people who are mostly ‘republicans’ vote a lot too. And the political elite knows it and targets them. So we’re pretty fucked.
Which doesn’t mean we won’t riot.
It doesn’t showing disks either, but the SD card is detected and readable on other devices.