I have a script called cookie_monster.sh
I have a script called cookie_monster.sh
Towing and cold weather also play an important factor in the range as well.
Gas is too expensive!
EVs are not ready for the broad market. Sure, they work fine for getting to work and running some errands, but I wouldn’t trust going on long road trips with them yet. Plus, changing the batteries when they wear out is wayyyyy too expensive, might as well buy a new vehicle at that point.
Package manager with a UI? I like my apt and dnf thank you very much.
I have Kuma setup on one of my VPS’ and one endpoint I monitor is on healthchecks.io.
This way Kuma can monitor whatever I need and if HC doesn’t get a “ping” every 5 minutes I get an alert from them. They have a free teir for 20 checks I believe it is.
Hmm, I can’t imagine they mean MSTSC. The RD App sucks ballz
Remote Desktop App vs Remote Desktop Connection.
What do you mean, it’s right there!
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