There’s always one lol
There’s always one lol
Whataburger is only in 16 states versus Wendy’s 50 so not really fair question.
Edit citation for my original 51. My brain turned off while I typed it out sooo yeah 50 states in the US
One of my favorite games of all time. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have very high hopes for KCD2
Yeah; it was after that article where he got a brain worm and went crazy
Apparently, I’m a gentoo user.
I use arch by the way
Unfortunately I can’t help, I’ve yet to mess withVR at all let alone in Linux. Good luck.
Maybe they should have voted
Do you think he said, oh no mah home!
This was the straw that finally got my wife to agree to let me cancel prime. I wanted to as soon as add were added to video. Sadly it auto renewed on the 10th of Oct :(
Honestly I can’t believe it’s not butter
And yet they were apathetic enough to let him get reelected
Sounds like the digestive system works
You’ll have to downscale the resolution unless you have super human vision. I suspect that the laptop is configured to ~150% ootb which would mean those battery estimates are based on that as well.
Don’t truly have a favorite artist, so to me, this is more of a question of how much money would it take for you to endure a minor inconvenience for the rest of your life?
50k ?
Woman performs better than man, only logical conclusion is that she cheated….smh
I have 11% of a plan
Sounds pretty weird
You get an AI and you get an AI and you get an AI
3 minutes…I mean it’s in the name
Welcome! Don’t listen to anyone trying to shame you for your distro choice. The most important is that you didn’t choose windows.