This isn’t rape m8, are you jealous you weren’t invited?
This isn’t rape m8, are you jealous you weren’t invited?
I bet you someone invented a little latex solution and a bodyguard like job for this
Maybe you should start with yourself :p
Ye but I enjoy it, I’ll block m when I get bored
Because horny people don’t care about your documentary
I wouldn’t jump to conclusions.
Business as usual I see
It’s working as an advertisement for her business and you’re pulling eyeballs to it. If this really bothers you, you should’ve just… ignored it.
You do you, let her do her. I wouldn’t make it trough a 100 but maybe like… 30? I’d be exhausted by the end.
Join an instance with downvotes disabled :p
I was rather disappointed to see Pat being removed. Intel could do with a “shush the shareholders” kinda thing. However that might be called.
To my knowledge they killed more than a few super expensive projects :/
It’s interesting how much goes on in certain areas, and I never notice. Thank you!
less maintainance again! Nice!
… and every time I have to think of a gift, I can’t :p
I’e got more ideas but this post is getting long
Ahh, clever!
Now this is an in depth, awesome answer, thank you!
I was rather curious!
Ohh, yes. For the long drinks.
No, to quit obsessing over it