Honda accord sedan with flip up headlights.
Honda accord sedan with flip up headlights.
Wow, made pretty much the same discoveries today trying to back up 1.75TB of photo data from my NAS across MacOS Sonoma to a SSD via the finder. Ended up doing exactly the same thing as this article concludes, booted up Windows11 PC and got the whole thing done at a consistently faster transfer rate. Sigh.
I ditched Evernote and moved to Standard Notes. It’s everywhere for me, iOS, windows, Linux and MacOS and it has a web client which is consistent with all versions of the app. My only gripe is easy image embedding. But I’m living without it.
Dr K at Healthy Gamer has a tonne of really great advice for dealing with this and especially for ADHD sufferers. He talks about urge-surfing and how to develop and strengthen the parts of your brain that end up giving you back control in terms of decision making, willpower and responding to habits. Here’s a short on urge-surfing but have a dig thru the rest of the channel
New Zealand checking in 🫡
Dance Monkey by Tones and I