There have been countless accounts of Russian mobiks and people drafted into LPR and DPR forces having to purchase their own gear, getting old and broken stuff etc.pretty much from the start of the war.
Then again Ukrainians are not always able to equip units well either. Donating helps.
@sexy_peach In one of Hromadske’s reports from Bakhmut a drone team did quote a fairly high number for drone losses. Not sure how accurate 10k a month is but it doesn’t strike me as completely unbeliveable in relation to that.
@BombOmOm I don’t think they have been promised Gripens or even Hornets yet? Swedes are only training and Australia is considering giving their old Hornets
I think the Brits were training them on another fighter in RAF service too.
@Thorny_Thicket @Eqweytr Gepard can only help to a limited degree because the Russian KA-52s have ATGMs that have a significantly longer range than a Gepard.
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