Why would the clone be connected…?
Why would the clone be connected…?
It’s not, it’s a copy, but if you think all consciousness is the same, then maybe.
Wow, seems life is easier with the job you wouldn’t expect it from, right?
Media just seems random sometimes…
I hate it that sometimes women are portrayed like that just because they’re women.
She’s probably going nuclear on Greenpeace.
8 seconds to get in the water!
But why give that comment on a post that is not that?
Except for the tweet, how is this article not just bringing the news? I don’t get it.
I find this to be brilliant.
Or just almost touch a TV and your hairs will go there.
If you think about it, this is actually the old way.
If you think about it, this is actually the old way.
We are all one.