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Very weird that I am so old and have literally never heard this mentioned in a TV show or book or movie or anything.
In four out of five states, if you go to prison, you are literally paying for the time you spend there.
As you can guess, this results in crippling debt as soon as you’re released.
The county gets back a fraction of what they hold over your head the rest of your life until you commit suicide(or die naturally and peacefully with the sword of damocles hanging over your head).
$20-$80 a day according to Rutgers.
Counties apparently sue people and employ wage garnishment to get back the money that majority of people obviously cannot pay back.
Why didn’t Trump use these magical powers he supposedly has to take away our right to vote?
https://www.gp.org/ Where is yours? What have you done to oppose the rich controlling our government? You consent to it.
Yes, that’s why I vote for candidates that support ranked choice voting.
You vote for candidates that oppose ranked choice voting.
See how you have no solutions here?
Because it took them time to rig the SCOTUS.
Yeah, a party that has won exactly zero presidential elections what a party you’ve built. How proud you must be.
A man abducts you and gives you to choices:
Have sex with him “willingly”
He kills you, and has sex with your corpse
Choosing the first option in no way is consensual.
Good for you.
Factually incorrect.
Exactly what law do you expect them to pass? This is all Dems fault for being so garbage that Republicans even have a chance.
You have to vote for them to win dumbass.
You are truly deranged. In this comparison you could choose neither and vote green party.
Biden supports RCV? Which Dem?
They are openly debating if the president can have political opponents killed. Quit living under a rock.
No shit.
But I am not an imbecile who thinks they can magic away the spoiler effect. That’s you.
Voting third party is equal to choosing the second option.
Get a grip. You’ve done no better to get RCV implemented. Your votes get you nothing, because you vote for candidates that mathematically cannot win thanks to the inherent biases of FPTP voting.
And RCV isn’t even that good of an option. STAR and approval are superior.
Hilarious. The rich have you figured out and are playing you like a fiddle.
The literal only way is voting, it’s so simple it’s hilarious.
LOL so people who had power and proved to you they will do nothing to get RCV passed. Greens can mathematically win, you just vote for them.
Yes the Dems will surely do this for you LOL
Have you passed the fifth grade? I honestly can’t tell given your inability to make a sensible sentence.
Voting isn’t magic, stop treating it like so.
It objectively is:
No they cannot. The spoiler effect is an inherent problem to our electoral system. You cannot just magic away systemic problems.
What do you not understand here?
It’s incredibly simple. You do not understand even the basic definition of democracy.
Not if you vote for them and gather support instead of whining like a baby.
Then change it, get over yourself. I am helping fix this problem by voting against it, you are not, very simple.