fake news, Ra is not the sun god, he’s just a Goa’uld
Either way, the solar flares won’t stop until morale improves.
False gods can eat plutonium.
loads P90 with deicidal intent
sigh Naquadah!
That’s impressive! I guess they need the calories.
Solar isn’t the only thing that’s flairing up. :(
The hemorrhoids are back?
Yes, they are saying I owe $30,000 in back taxes. I am still wondering why they want it in a shoebox and dropped off behind a CVS. The IRS works in mysterious ways I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ah, sorry man you got scammed. You actually have to send it by mail. I’ll dm you the address.
Thanks man! Whew, that was close! <3
I don’t know if this well help, but Preparation Horus works pretty well when they try to scam me like that.
Sounds like some god tier medication!
Also applies to Randy Random in Rimworld
Also, here’s some manhunting chinchillas.
A swear the real world started being written by Randy Random in 2012.
Oh the solar flares aren’t working? Here’s some crop blight and a plague to add to the mix! You thought you were space colonists but really you’re medieval peasants!
The old Egyptian gods are actually the only gods I truly believe in. I have two altars in my house set up, one for Bastet, the other for Horus, and my eternal avatar is Anubis. My entire house is mostly ancient egyptian statuary and iconography.
Sir this is a Wendy’s
Well that’s why I’m here, the gods are very demanding - I’ll need severral baconators and fries.
And three orders of chili.
The gods would not be displeased with this offering. But hold the onions.
Something tells me the “ritual sacrifices” in your house get eaten by the priesthood later.
Somehow that does keep happening. It necessitates many return trips to the drive thru.
I really dig Cernunnos, Danu and the Dagda, but I haven’t been able to convince myself enough of their existence to adopt them as a religion. I want to, though. The Gauls had some cool gods.
I don’t why the old Egyptian gods resonate with me so much. As a kid I used to have dreams of the nile in the evening and felt like I could feel the hot wind coming over the river and stirring up ribbons of sand. I’ve never been to Egypt but I have a life-long love of the art and architecture.
I follow a Celtic Pagan group on Facebook that often discuss this exact type of thing. The consensus view is that pagans don’t typically seek out their god(s) so much as their gods call out to them. A lot of them claim they began their path after feeling deeply moved by/drawn to or called by the wilds, or after having vivid (often recurring) dreams about these sacred places or associated animals. That resonates with me because when I think of these secluded stone cairns or places of worship off the beaten path, something stirs very deeply within me that almost feels evident of a past life or some lost thing that I no longer have. Just this incredibly deep feeling of reverence. It sounds like you’re dealing with the same thing.
I believe that also, it was more like the gods called out to me from a young age. My dreams were more than just vivid, I could feel the sensations completely, and sometimes heard voices after waking up that, I later learned, were speaking an old language of Egypt. As a young kid I hadn’t even read about such things, so I just assumed I was a little wacko.
And I was, but now I’m a big wacko and I know what I believe is something deeply rooted inside my consciousness. It’s like I’ve been there and walked those paths before. Reverence, it definitely is that and a sense of awe that is both terror and respect at the same time. I’m glad I’m not the only one who experiences that!
Ra- Ra- Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen.
There was a cat that really was gone.
Thanks for reminding me of that song, haven’t heard it in years.
So let it be written; so let it be done.
But moral improves with food.
Radio hams united in disappointment!