From 3.5 to 12.7 just because 1-10 is so overrated, it’s like a 6.5 out of 4.3 to 16.2.

    2 years ago

    I just moved to 2 degrees. I’d give it an 8.3 because it works fine and speeds are good. However, customer service is horrible, I had to wait an hour on hold to ask for a static ip (because cgnat) they were like “yep all good, you’ll get an email with the details” and… Nothing. Now I’ll have to go through that gauntlet again (emails appear to go unanswered)

    Generally I look for a deal on broadband compare every year and switch to whatevers cheapest. It’s all the same fibre anyway. The only one I’ve heard about being iffy on speed was Myrepublic and I think they’ve since gone kaput.