Despite all the “AKcHUaLLy” comments this is probably true.
If the body has 206 bones and the global average is like 205.7, a bone that is even partially complete is still a bone, and it is probably so close to 206 that the missing parts are negligible and distributed across the skeleton anyway. Think about it, how many people do you know that are missing an appendage or a bone by defect? I bet it’s less than 0.5% of everyone you know.
Take my upvote.
I have 2 neighbours is missing a leg, and a family friend missing a finger. I am one of the outliers.
Did these people lose their limbs before or after they met you?
That is a lot of missing bones. How many people would you estimate that you know though? I went to a small high school and I bet out of 500 total I knew 300 just from school. There are lots of family and coworkers and stuff that drive that number pretty high even if you know some amputees.
But it still wouldn’t be an entire human skeleton, as there’s more to a skeleton than just the number of bones.
So by this logic, if you age and develop arthritis you no longer possess a complete human skeleton?
technically, because noone has a higher amount of bones but many people have less, this is false.
that is true, but most of these would either be worse for building a skeleton because they deform other bones or do nothing because theyre just extra bits that wouldnt help anyway (in case its a disjointed bone)
noone has a higher amount of bones
You could have just said you learned something instead of trying to deflect by moving the goalposts.
thats true
It said enough, not the right set of
if the bones are wrong would it still be an entire skeleton?
It comes down to how you define the average. You have a person with a bone too much and one person with a bone too little. One person is small, the other is big. What is the average skeleton? What does that even mean?
thats the question we shouldve been asking all along
Late stage pregnant woman have a higher amount of human bones
finally someone that doesnt just tell me there is a very rare disease that creates a single extra bone
anyway yeah if you count pregnant women the average skeletons in a human body is more than one
What about that one horrible disease where your muscles start turning into extra bones?
those bones dont help much in making a skeleton
Rarer than getting a synthetic hip or being born without wisdom teeth, for example
or losing limbs
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Its all because of Joe
Who’s steve jobs?
Ligma balls
Nuh uh!
I guess we are all average… :)
Surprising but true!