For me it’s Chrono Trigger. I always want to play it. I want to show it to my children. I hope it will be regarded as a masterpiece for generations to come.
Fallout 1 and 2. I’ve played them so many times over the decades. FF7 and Baldurs gate 1&2 are others I’ve done a few times.
In no particular order:
Chrono Trigger
Binding of Isaac Rebirth
myhouse.wad (I know it came out this year, but goddamn it’s good)
Yoshi’s Island
Super Mario All-Stars + World (cheating maybe?)
Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3
OMORI (also recent, but also damn good)
LoZ: Majora’s Mask
Pokemon 2nd gen (could totally just be nostalgia talking right here)
Super Smash Bros Melee
Mario Kart 64
Also I keep coming back to yashum’s Call of Cthulhu SMW hack.
Super Mario World! It holds up remarkably well even by modern platformer standards. It feels great, looks great, and is a blast to explore.
Can’t believe Nethack doesn’t top the list.
Surprised no one has said Super Metroid yet. The game just excelled at atmosphere.
The tank game on Wii Sports (reminiscent of Atari Tanks but coop)
PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics (especially with mods, particularly FFT 1.3)
PC Master of Magic (especially with community mods, Caster of Magic is a favorite)
SNES Super Mario World
SNES Super Bomber Man
Mike Tyson’s Punchout. I still play it occasionally as an adult and it’s still just as fun as when I was a kid.
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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
From the art to the music to the plot to the gameplay, it’s just iconic.
Half Life 2 still looks and plays fantastic even nearly decades later
Half life 1 also! May be the graphics are a bit dated, but for that is the Black Mesa verdion
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I started playing Valve games with HL2, and didn’t play HL1 until the Black Mesa game came out. I highly recommend. It’s a fantastic game and the story made bolder choices than the new games. It really gives a sense of wonder in parts, especially on the back half of the story.
Miney Crafty
The BioShock series is a timeless masterpiece