The amount of advertisements you have to consume weather you consent or not is wild. Billboards on roads, bus banners, marquees, you have no choice unless you don’t leave you house, and then you’re still subject to ads, just ones you sort of consented to by buying TV or Internet service.
Road billboards are always a trip when I visit the US. Not only do they have everything on them from Jesus to abortion to guns they are also incredibly distracting physically, especially at night.
I live in the Phoenix area and holy shit the amount of injury lawyer billboards are insane. It’s like every couple hundred feet along the I-10 is an ad for some accident attorney, more often than not multiple ads for the same guy. I see Rafi’s face literally everywhere I go
Same. I go out of my way to learn how to get around ads. I often wonder, especially now with autism and sensory issues being more highlighted, when will start realizing ads in this overwhelming capacity are absolutely a health issue. Sensory issue are real, and an ad shouldn’t have to give people seizures before it’s considered unhealthy.
The amount of advertisements you have to consume weather you consent or not is wild. Billboards on roads, bus banners, marquees, you have no choice unless you don’t leave you house, and then you’re still subject to ads, just ones you sort of consented to by buying TV or Internet service.
Road billboards are always a trip when I visit the US. Not only do they have everything on them from Jesus to abortion to guns they are also incredibly distracting physically, especially at night.
Sign right on the merge of a major highway: “Car accident? Call our injury lawyer hotline.”
I live in the Phoenix area and holy shit the amount of injury lawyer billboards are insane. It’s like every couple hundred feet along the I-10 is an ad for some accident attorney, more often than not multiple ads for the same guy. I see Rafi’s face literally everywhere I go
Visited friends in Detroit once and one of the lawyers bilboards looked like cult recruiting, it was wild. She had them up everywhhhere too.
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Same. I go out of my way to learn how to get around ads. I often wonder, especially now with autism and sensory issues being more highlighted, when will start realizing ads in this overwhelming capacity are absolutely a health issue. Sensory issue are real, and an ad shouldn’t have to give people seizures before it’s considered unhealthy.
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Why do people hopl their TV’s up to the internet? I’ll never get it.