That’s what you get for making apps with fucking Electron, aka “a Chrome browser that only opens a single website”
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IDK, my Steam client starts right away pretty much and my computer is not very fast or new.
It’s probably running in the background. You have to be very forceful if you don’t want it doing that
But I’m not a jedi, i can’t use force
Whatever happened with the hardware acceleration on Linux? I swear I read they made it fully work on Linux with the new interface but it still seems choppy, maybe even more than before
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Doesn’t Discord also use something similar?
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What makes me confused is that the epic games website is a lot quicker than their app. I reckon they’re not using electron and maybe are using something much worse. Not sure if it was a joke but long ago I’ve heard someone suggesting it was actually unreal engine and not electron
It IS unreal engine
Huh, someone else here said it uses Unreal engine
Huh, I always thought it was Electron, because I’ve had an older version of EGS show some fonts in super low res, much like Discord did, which is a known bug with Electron and hardware acceleration
You know those ad banners you get on mobile? What do you think they run on
Ad… banners? I haven’t seen an ad on my phone in years.
My phone, duh.
Ad banners? I haven’t seen one since forever. I have no idea what you are even talking about.
That’s probably mostly Flutter, which is slightly different scope, though still Google
Nah most ad networks run full browsers
No idea what you’re talking about
Silicon and gold
Giga chads use heroic launcher instead ;)
Now also supports Amazon Games. Get it while it’s hot.
what the hell is amazon games
I had a chuckle at this because I know Amazon has a game division but for the life of me I can’t think of a single game they have.
Not going to trade Valve for Amazon. Valve contributes so much to the Linux ecosystem
What do you mean? I certainly won’t be using Amazon gaming services for anything.
new world I think? The mmo that was supposed to kill [insert mmo] but then was kinda bad
Speaking of killing. Didn’t it end up killing a bunch of graphics cards?
Yes, but if a game can kill a GPU the GPU is at fault. The game just has an inefficient loading screen
Apparently it was debunked but it sounds very funny to me so I’ll take it as fact and purposefully spread misinformation
They also made another MMO, free to play, can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called.
Also can we just talk about how generic of a name New World is? Like, I wouldn’t be surprised to find half a dozen other MMOs from the 2000s with that name.
Prime members get free stuff, including games, every week.
Huh, didn’t know it was available for windows.
Also I resent it being called “native” when it’s made with electron
Welcome to 2023 where native means a webpage in an embedded browser.
It’s a cool project, but it’s certainly not native (and despite what the other comment says, even in 2023, Electron apps are not native 😅)
I swear everyone on lemmy is a late 30s programmer. Kind of like reddit was I guess (but older…)
If an Electron feels faster than the EGS app then boy…
Been installing all of my GOG and Epic titles on Nobara with this! Super easy. Just select the Proton version you have installed and you’re good to go!
Epic Games: Not even once.
Sadly the only way to play Rocket League
Yeah :(
But all the free games
Are they really free when the price is your soul!?
Real question: how? What does epic games do? Is it privacy stuff? I’m out of the loop. I just get free games and gave a disposable email.
Their launcher is literal spyware.
Wait what
Pretty much just epic paying devs money in order to give away their game, almost directly buying them market share for their launcher. They will probably stop doing it some day. Or maybe they won’t.
Probably waiting to stop once their store hits a critical mass and repeat business
Guessing that never happened and never will
Steam has great prices, great sales, great features for the users
GOG has a decent selection, is good with older games, and no DRM. That’s still an advantage
Epic has…an ability to make you have to log in or update constantly? I don’t see the advantage over anything. I personally refuse to give them money for taking away store choice with exclusives
You mean… Giving devs money so they’re guaranteed an income instead of relying solely on the success or failure of their game which can be fairly random in some cases? Or the part where they keep a share of the profit much smaller than Steam?
Not sure what part of my comment you interpreted as dissing this business practice, or what the second half of your comment is even referring to as I never mentioned profit splitting, but you keep on waffling about epic. I am sure that will fix their launcher sucking dick.
Even if you accept the premise of your argument, what percentage of games do you think is getting that deal? It’s still sink or swim for the vast, vast majority of indie games in that case. I’m all for competition, I just don’t like that specific business practice.
Shitty business model. Exclusivity contracts. Haven’t heard about it much lately though so maybe they’re not pulling that crap as much now that they’re more established.
Shitty business model
Fortnite goes brrrrr
They’ll keep doing whatever they can to get market share as long as it remains a money printer…
They’re still giving away free games, though the name recognition of them has fallen.
The joke’s on them. I sold my soul years ago.
Oh no, they know my junk email, the agony!
Calling out the bulkiest NVME drive I’ve ever seen.
nvme doesn’t have to be m.2 right? I swear I’ve seen 2.5" nvme drives.
I mean, no… but it still needs PCIe, and that usually isn’t getting cabled very far in a consumer machine
Oh right, I was of course thinking of server ssds.
Maybe it’s a u.2 or u.3 nvme Enterprise drive?
Certainly could be
The size of Warzone 2 makes it physically inflate.
Maybe it’s 2x1TB in a casing
Maybe it’s just one, and the casing works as cooler
Looks like an icydock sled
That’s what happens when you make a basic GUI in a freaking game engine.
Yeah I know you want to demo your game engine, but I don’t need you to demo thermal throttling on my processor.
Lmao what? EGL uses unreal?
As far as I know yes.
The fuck
They most likely intended it as a way to showcase their game engine. Not sure how well that works considering everyone hates the Epic launcher, but you do you I guess.
That’s the perfect example of “Just use what your Developer know”.
Just because you can write something in a established technology doesn’t mean you should.
Miss me with that DRM shit platform
Again with that bullshit?
As if Steam doesn’t sell games with DRM… Oh wait, they make their own DRM!
I think they really refer to the feeling it gives off. Like that uplay client you are forced to use even though you bought the Ubisoft game on steam. Epic just feels like a ball and chain.
So does Steam then, dinner standards much?
Maybe it has changed to better. I don’t have Epic Games, but a few years ago I went to a friend’s home and tested Epic Games and it forced you to stay online in order to be able to play. There was no offline mode like in Steam.
I also have a subjective view. I really love the steam communities (uninvolved with Steam), workshop, Proton, Gamer communities. I feel that the approach of selling free candies that Epic Games has used it’s untrustworthy. And Epic Games communities look. All friends that I know that have Epic Games it’s because of the free candies, but nothing else. They don’t open Epic Games for anything else, they don’t talk on communities, etc.
Both of them are companies, but it feels like steam cares more about its community and users.
I personally have a launcher so things are neat and tidy instead of having a bunch of shortcuts on my desktop, that’s all, I never use the community features and wish I didn’t have to rely on a launcher for them when I need them. I much prefer finding answers to my questions on Gamefaqs forums than on Steam’s (because I find their forum works like crap).
Everyone gets it wrong with the RAM 🤦.
How so?
I do note it is a weird ratio of CPU cores to memory in this meme 🧐
That was my point. 32 cores with 32GB of RAM should be a crime.
The real crime is not having 32TB drive to go with it.
I don’t think they make 32TB drives… do they 🤔?
a quick search revealed
Wow, who knew…
maybe they’re running a weird dual socket opteron setup
There’s way too little RAM for that amount of cores.
Yeah, auto correct doesn’t work with Jerboa 🤷.
It’s working for me right now … but I’ve also noticed that sometimes, it doesn’t.
Nope, not working at all. Works in almost every other app, but not Jerboa… or any of the other apps for Lemmy. I use Gboard BTW. Apparently, SwiftKey works, but I tried it and it doesn’t have any options regarding auto-correct or suggestions, so it’s not a viable option for me.
They also didn’t mention the clock speed so probably put no consideration into that either.
Side note: Open up task manager and make sure the RAM clock speed matches the one advertised on the box. If not you may have to override in the BIOS. May cause crashing and if so just lower it a setting at a time until it’s stable, it won’t damage your computer.
Don’t just manually adjust the speed, use XMP/DOCP/whatever your board/CPU manufacturer calls it (unless you know what you’re doing or are fine with crashes)
Yeah, yeah, I know, I work in IT 😂.
I imagined as much, was meant to be a PSA since a surprising number of people who pay extra for high-speed RAM have no idea to even check if it’s running full speed.
Yeah, to be honest, that is true. My colleagues don’t check that either and cosider themselves experts 😒… that’s OK, I just avoid conversations with them cuz they get lost when we do make converstaion… and then the conversation dies down anyway.
it’s just a stupid meme bro
MacBook Pro M2 Max feels lol, it’s got a lot of power in theory but almost no software puts it to use.
I make use of my 16gb m1 by just never closing anything, ever. I have photoshop, 3 browsers, discord, and Shogun 2 total war open in the background. I feel like I’m getting my money’s worth this way.
I know this is a meme but is it really that slow? Tried it like a years ago and I remember it being pretty slow for me.
Is heroic games launcher a faster, lightweight, feature-rich alternative?
Heroic is definitely faster. Though it’s buggy at times
I’ve never noticed it being slow. Steam takes longer to launch for me and constantly wants to run in the background and download updates.
I don’t like either one tbh. Launchers are silly to me.
Easy fix! Simply do not open the epic games launcher ever again (and uninstall it while you’re at it)
i got 32gb ram. today i needed to download more.
tf firefox needs more than 32gbs for compiling (actually linking but whatever)
It depends on your linker. By default, Firefox appears to use the LLD linker. There is a faster one available, which runs perfectly fine on my 16GB machine: After installing, it can be enabled by setting —enable-linker=mold instead of —enable-linker=lld
well i just wasted €80 lmao
What’s the OP? Why has credit been removed?
What is ‘Epic Games Launcher’
Isn’t it the thing that gives out free games that you never play, every now and then?
Death Stranding? Control? All the Batman and Tomb Raider games? Most games I play on PC were Epic freebies.
The first two work fine. Don’t know about the others.
You are going to feel stupid when I tell you, but it’s the “Launcher” for “Epic Games”.
I don’t game, but I installed it once to play around with Unreal Engine once. The meme is quite accurate.
Back in my day we just double-clicked on executables or shortcuts to executables. I hate launcher bullshit that solves exactly zero problems with computing. Seen it pop up in non-game applications too.
I hate launcher bullshit that solves exactly zero problems with computing.
It doesn’t matter when you have like 5 games, but when you start to get into the hundreds… A launcher that can filter, group, hide, etc games is nice.
Ok grandpa, time to go play cribbage now.
Same thing I’ve seen past 60 days with Lemmy. The major sites throwing massive hardware. “Wow, Lemmy now deletes a single post in 7 seconds”.