Hi all, I am wondering if there’s a community to promote new communities? I am not going to promote anything here, but am looking for a way to do so. Any help appreciated! Thanks.
Hi all, I am wondering if there’s a community to promote new communities? I am not going to promote anything here, but am looking for a way to do so. Any help appreciated! Thanks.
This is what I try to do with [email protected] to spread the word.
You can also look for related communities, like when I stopped by to say hello on [email protected] and let them know [email protected] was having the first annual Owl of the Year bracket tournament, going on now, that they might enjoy participating in.
I try to find times to let people know [email protected] is a place they can always go for a daily shot of positivity. I see a number of depressing stories in the top posts, do it’s good to know there’s a place to go to swish those depressing things out of your brain.
Other times people might not know [email protected] isn’t just pictures or memes like you may expect. We go into a lot of education, information, and awareness of animal resources too, as well as where you can go to see real live owls near you.
But it’s also important to spam tastefully. I posted a friendly post on LemmyBeWholesome, which I don’t typically go to, but guy immediately downvoted, so I just deleted the post and moved on, so I didn’t bother anyone if they didn’t want to see it. I feel organic growth is the way to go, so I try to get the word out fairly regularly while being careful I don’t mention [email protected] toooooon much.
So I just try to keep my spamming limited, try to target an audience, even if it’s just a few people at a time, and try to make the post friendly and entertaining so even if you didn’t go visit [email protected] immediately that [email protected] might get stuck in your head for later it you just noticed it more when [email protected] pops up on ALL, which it does a lot because we have a ton of fun there, especially now with the Owl of the Year, as it allows everyone to participate even if they don’t feel like they have anything to add to the conversation, which I don’t feel is true, but many people feel that way around themselves. Then when I see new people comment on posts, I try to welcome and acknowledge them all and upvote everyone who is polite so they feel like a party of the group.
So I hope this was helpful and entertaining for you, and if you want to check out some cool birds and learn about bird things, check it out [email protected] today!