This is so ridiculous as to be a lie.
We have Hitler versus the guy no one wants. The guy no one wants is not 99% Hitler, not 50% Hitler, not even 5% Hitler. He’s just the guy nobody wants.
This is so ridiculous as to be a lie.
Thats what this meme format is about, nerd
OP certainly doesn’t think so. It won’t be good for your sanity, but take a look at their comments in this thread if you want to be blown away. Apparently voting for the Democrats makes the US more right leaning than voting for the Republicans.
Oh. Shit, you’re right. Ffs.
Apparently voting for the Democrats makes the US more right leaning than voting for the Republicans.
It does. More of us are becoming insane by the day. Join us. We have good food.
Genocide Joe isn’t 5% Hitler yet
yes keep the foil on hes gonna do something moderately bad soon for you to latch onto. promise
trump just keeps taking the spotlight for crime and he’s not even president
He’s doing genocide right now
False equivalence.
Genocide supporter.
Nah, I condemn all genocides. Sorry I couldn’t support your favorite one(s).
Oh. Sorry. Sounded like you were making a case for supporting Biden, who is funding a real live genocide right now.
But you’re actually not voting/trying to get people voting for him.
Cool. Again. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
No apologies needed, hombre. These are tense times and we’re all on edge. At least we can enjoy the fires together
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I’m pretty sure these are the new trump bots, basically trying to drum up support by radicalizing Democrats against Biden.
This is so poorly reasoned, and so obviously aligned with right wing interests, that I genuinely wonder if this post is the work of a hostile foreign operative.
The woman in this meme is a darling of the right wing, a North Korean defector who claims “wokism” is more oppressive than a dictatorship. A thought so stupid, you wonder how right wingers could possibly believe it. How did a meme this bad get so many upvotes, if not without massive vote manipulation?
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Hi it’s me I’m the hostile foreign operative! If you guess which country I work for you win a car
Oh shit oh fuck you figured it out. What kind of car do you want?
Prefer bikes.
Why does the article say it has a “concrete frame” ?
Dude really? 500k for a bike? I uh… I have to go to my bank to get that kinda dough. I’ll be right back
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Have you ever hear the terms, “sarcasm”, or, “hyperbole”?
Your name betrays you. I don’t think you’re skeptical or open-minded. I thought it was funny. It’s okay if you don’t. Is this not a free platform? Downvote and move on.
What are you going to achieve with this comment besides garnering down votes? Their response was interesting and added to the post.
Seems like you’re here just to start an argument, not be funny.
Et tu, Brute?. Are you a foreign operative too?
The irony isn’t lost on me.
Lol. Not a foreign operative, though I’m flattered to be called one by someone so delusional. I feel like I’ve just completed some important rite of passage. Thanks friend!
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This is something a paid operative would say. Nice try China.
I’m none of those. Just a person that thinks for themselves and doesn’t let others think for me. I never said not to vote. I just realize that it won’t stop the fascism that’s coming.
Just finished listening to August Nimtz on Upstream podcast. He explains why voting for the lesser evil will always push the economy further right.
I don’t let others think for me…here’s the link to a podcast I got my ideas from.
So, is your galaxy-brain take here that voting for fascism leads to fascism, voting against fascism leads to fascism and not voting leads to fascism and all 3 get us there at the same time? I mean, that sure sounds like you’re saying not to vote.
He’s an expert and a professor, and I am sure he knows eating sausage causes heart disease. Who are you?
I don’t doubt the guys credentials…but John Maynard Keynes was an author and Kings College fellow, and he got a lot of shit wrong, too.
Either there’s a lot of nuance that you filtered out of his theories, or the guy is playing the same game as Jordan Peterson (another author and professor who likes to talk out his ass).
The only logical conclusion of the argument you made was that voting has no economic or policy outcomes, and all democratic systems will inexorably lead to fascism. There is not sufficient evidence to support that claim.
We will see. I didn’t come to this conclusion from one podcast. It’s been years of reading that did that.
That person you’re replying to sounds like someone who thinks for themself.
Are you upset because their way of thinking isn’t your way of thinking?
No, that’s fine.
Who are you?
Just a guy that reads and enjoys learning about political theory.
John Money was a professor and owned his own practice but was found much later to have lied about his data. So being a professor doesn’t really mean anything. Why do you as a person believe this other person?
Until Jesus comes back and tells us the truth, which isn’t happening anytime soon, experts appointed by the rigors of science is the closest socially we can get to an arbiter of truth. Individuals may fail us, but the framework still holds value.
Could you summarize his reasoning? A podcast isn’t accessible for a lot of people browsing Lemmy. I’m also not prepared to simply defer to an “expert” when it comes to political science.
I’m skeptical. It doesn’t make much sense to me that the US would be further right under HRC than Trump, who caused a generational shift to the right and literally tried to overthrow the government. Or that the US would be further left under Trump than Biden. Under Biden, we’ve seen some of the most muscular regulation of corporations in a generation.
The North Korean defector in this meme is also celebrated by the alt-right for her “anti-woke” ramblings, which has me questioning this angle.
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The FTC has been in the news for proposing an extremely progressive legal theory of anti-trust called the New Brandeis school. They’ve sued Meta, Google, Microsoft, and many others on anti-trust grounds. Biden appointed the main and most progressive legal theorist behind the movement, Lina Khan, surprising even progressives.
We probably also need new legislation if and when democrats retake congress, but the will is certainly there if voters will reward it.
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Really you can’t find a single one? What do you think the policies of the FTC in relation to what it will sue over is? It’s a regulation. Because it’s a regulatory agency regulating an industry. I honestly don’t even know what you would want the FTC to do. There is a consensus that they have been surprisingly active.
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What happened to the other cow? It was aliens, wasn’t it?
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I’m not even sure what this means. Bill Clinton was not exactly pals with Rush Limbaugh or Newt Gingrich. I’m not sure why or how Clinton would have ushered them into power. What was the devil we knew?
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You still going on about ol’ hilldawg?
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If I had Musk’s kind of money I would pay for Hilldawg to be the next republican nominee and sit back and watch the show on a private island.
His premise is that both Democrats and Republicans are corporatists that will resort to fascism to stave off any movement from the worker class in America. He teaches political science. This has nothing to do with the North Korean meme lady.
Nothing you said supports the claim that voting for the “lesser evil” always pushes the economy further right.
Voting for abolition ended slavery. Voting for pro civil rights party got us civil rights. Voting for pro-labor politicians got us labor protections and the new deal. And in recent years, Trump oversaw the greatest transfer of wealth to the elite rich in history, while Biden has installed the most aggressively progressive FTC in a century. Against this history of obvious progress, what actual evidence does this guy cite?
Voting for abolition ended slavery.
During the civil war, not at the ballot box.
Voting for pro civil rights party got us civil rights.
After years of protests and violence, not at the ballot box.
Voting for pro-labor politicians got us labor protections and the new deal.
After years of social movements, strikes, violence and a the Great Depression. Not at the ballot box.
Most significant political changes in America happen in the streets, not at the ballot box.
It was obviously both. The violence without actually implementing the political policies would have been pointless.
Show me an example where voting for the lesser evil leads to the adoption of more right wing policies. That is the specific claim you are supposedly defending.
It’s not my opinion, it’s August Nimtz’s. I do agree with it though. FDR did the New Deal. Lincoln did the Emancipation, LBJ did civil rights. Public opinion was a factor, but it was the threat of social unrest that enacted them. As for the example of right wing policies, each Democrat caters to corporations. Maybe not as much as the Republicans, but they still do. After Reagan, we voted for the lesser evil Clinton, who did Welfare Reform and repealed Glass-Steagall. After Bush, we voted for the lesser evil Obama, and change. There was no change, he kept Bush’s surveillance state, did more drone strikes and the War on Terror. Promised healthcare, but borrowed it from Romney and the Heritage Foundation. Then after Trump, we settled for the lesser evil and Biden. Who promised his corporate funders that “nothing would fundamentally change.” We still don’t have healthcare, no campaign finance reform, no student loan forgiveness, scuttled a railroad strike, and is currently complicit in a genocide. If you think we are headed in the right direction; by all means vote for Biden. I see the systemic problems with the electoral duopoly and have no misconceptions that if we continue on this path, social unrest will facilitate the state to quell strikes, protests and riots. Business as usual never necessitates change, only the threat of violence from a social movement can do that. But we need to do that now, before it’s too late. I’m not telling you who to vote for, I will vote for Biden myself. But I’m under no illusion about the situation we are in, and what it takes to get out of it. I’m just disseminating information I found helpful and encouraging. It is better to be an informed electorate than an uninformed one.
You’re not wrong.
I don’t let other think for me. Here’s a podcast of a guy that i let think for me.
It’s not that easy. I don’t agree with everything I watch or hear.
I just realize that it won’t stop the fascism that’s coming.
All right people it’s over, pants down and spread your cheeks, just like my friend here.
Project 2025. I don’t think you are my friend.
for those who don’t know, this meme is about this tweet
Thank you.
Come on, Biden’s a Hindenburg at worst
if literal Khorne were one of the options in the upcoming election, I would vote for him (them? it?) in an instant.
I think it is an “It”, since it is the sentient manifestation of bloodlust, rage, ect.
But I’m sure if Murder/Rage where a vaild pronoun (it might be, I don’t make the rules) pairing it would choose those.
No, vote Tzeentch, for change you can believe in! Positive change? Maybe, for some. It’s all subjective!
change you can really believe in! probably the only thing you can believe!
“Fuck it, blood for the blood God, skulls for the skull thrown.”
99% Hitler is gonna turn things around next time he gets in power. Not this time though can’t un-Hitler too much at once.
“If you don’t vote for the guy supporting a fascist ethnostate doing a genocide then it’s your fault when the fascist wins!”
Eventually its just like fuck off. Shaming the people who have the right point of view rather than the party for its failures is more of a confession. Democrats have always had a choice of sure winners but instead go with the gamble who’s friendly to the donors. They helped Trump get the nomination in the first place too. You can’t win if you’re on the left with this cause you’re either blamed for the loss or betrayed and then shamed the next time around. Dems clearly don’t want these votes else they’d pick a candidate who could very easily secure them. Downward spiral politics.
And they call us insane!? /s
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Yeah like Dems are clearly preferable but the morality game they play to shame the people who are on the right side of every issue is a joke. They act like they have the moral high ground because the left voters they shame aren’t “realistic,” then they define what’s realistic as a narrow range of reactionary pandering. Meanwhile they’re giving money to run ads for the actual fascist GOP candidates as a strategic ploy to get ridiculous opponents they can win against. “Imagine if Trump was the GOP candidate? The GOP would be a laughingstock!” Yeah it’s going great… now it’s like “support the party enabling an apartheid state’s genocide or you’re a fascist” cause that’s the level you have to sink to for this to make sense. Then if you suggest this is wrong or Democrats needs to do better they shame you as a Russian troll or whatever the current bad influence is supposed to be. “If you express the correct moral view I can’t argue against you’re the bad influence” is basically what it comes down to.
At least someone else gets it. This country needs to do better. None of this is sustainable.
Th shine on their forehead almost makes their head look like a wax figure to me.
I guarantee you she has more makeup on her face than a mannequin has paint.
What… is that thing?
Any no one votes third party. If you really don’t like em vote third party.
Doesn’t work with the current US election system. Any third party vote will automatically be a wasted vote.
Sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy.
It’s more based on game theory. If your vote would decide between 2 candidates, but you vote for a third candidate that had a magnitude less amount of support, you are letting other people decide the election.
That’s why a vote for a third party is a vote for the candidate you don’t want to win. The only way to change this is for a change to how elections happen (ie ranked choice voting).
You guys created that prisoners dilemma for yourselves. Canada doesn’t have ranked voting either for federal elections and we have a party called the NDP which has been slowly creeping up on the conservatives and liberals. Last time I voted I didn’t get the winner I wanted and life went on. People died, babies got born, kids got older, high school classes graduated, and eventually we’ll vote again. What I hate the most about politics is how short term everyone’s plans are. We should be thinking more than 4 years ahead.
You guys created that prisoners dilemma for yourselves.
So sick of hearing this. Who is alive right now who had a hand in creating the current system? Who is commenting on lemmy right now who has any congressional say? Anyone who says this knows it’s bullshit but is trying super hard to sound edgy. Don’t bother.
Who was the last NDP prime minister of Canada?
You couldn’t have missed the point any harder. Like zoinks man. They have you guys fogged to death.
I’m Canadian.
What was your point?
Sounds like something based firmly in reality.
Yeah, it is. And you’re not going to convince enough people to break the prophecy, either
Nope, and stop claiming their votes are wasted.
Because if everyone who doesn’t like either option actually voted third party, even if that party did not win, the percentage would be big enough to make the Democrats and Republicans shit their pants and scramble to adapt to keep their status quo.
The only vote that is wasted is when you’re not voting on the candidate you want to lead the country.
The only wasted vote is that one that isn’t cast.
We can talk about vote effectiveness though, that’s slightly more interesting.
better to waste your vote than to vote for someone you dont like.
It’s an interesting statement but you need to work on the “why” before we can call it a hypothesis. Also, I’m gonna need some kind of unit of analysis for “better”.
Because I either vote 3rd party or I dont vote.
No one says this who isn’t totally fine with far right fascism.
You dont know me or what I’m fine with
You are fine with it, though. You’re fine with voting third party, and prefer it over preventing fascism from gaining traction. If you weren’t fine with fascism, then that would supercede your desire to feel morally superior for not actually participating in the system at all.
Lol, fuck Joe Rogan and 97% of what’s said on his podcast but this lady nailed it, genocide or genocide light these are likely our choices. Be mad about that, please.
Please be mad about actual things, and not whatever the right wing makes up.
Genocide is not a fake thing. It’s a complex situation, but my point is Biden isn’t even a leftist, nor does he seem to care much about human lives at all- the lesser of two evils thing has never been a weaker argument.
Do you honestly think Biden is as bad as the republicans are?
I honestly think Biden IS a republican, practically. Dude was Obama’s VP ffs, he’s a self-proclaimed capitalist and definately cozy with the establishment
You didn’t answer my question, you deflected.
Technically, sure but my answer was pretty plainly yes in between the lines, SatansMaggotyCumFart. He’s building Trump’s wall. He’s not doing shit about Covid but pretend it’s gone away, arguably he could pressure Israel not to commit their palestinian genocide or at least not continue to directly fund it with our tax dollars… Price gouging is still out of control too, and universal healthcare? That’s a joke now, right?
You think that your life would be the same right now regardless who was in power?
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Both sides are the same, except one side wants lgbt folks dead and the other side doesn’t want lgbt folks dead
Both sides are the same, except one of them reacts to news about gas stoves being bad by turning on the gas and huffing it, and the other just replaces their gas stove with electric
Both sides are the same, except one side doesn’t want me to be allowed to hold office because I don’t believe in a god, and in fact bans me from holding office in many of their states for that reason, and the other side doesn’t care whether I believe or not
But yeah both sides are absolutely exactly the same besides a few minor details
Both sides are the same, except one side wants lgbt folks dead and the other side doesn’t want lgbt folks dead
If Democrats will support one genocide because it’s politically expedient, they’ll support another genocide if it becomes politically expedient.
You’ve convinced me, I guess I’m fine with the party that presently wants all the lgbt folks dead being in power, because the other one could potentially be swayed to change their present position of not wanting all the lgbt folks dead
You’re fine with a party that supports genocide as long as the victims are people you consider disposable.
To clarify, I’m not fine with it, but as an adult I understood that my choices in 2020 were Biden and Trump, and I hope you can understand that Trump would have been as bad as Biden in all the ways he’s bad, and worse than Biden in every other way.
I’m not advocating for voting third party.
I’m just scared that the “good” party is so happy to use the same arguments it uses when it kills the minimum wage increase to defend supporting genocide.
It’s like they’ve given themselves license to do anything as long as republicans can be credibly worse.
Nah, I already said you convinced me. I fully regret voting Biden in 2020. I mean, if I’d voted 3p, we might have gotten Trump, and life would be worse for everyone, but at least I wouldn’t have tried my best to reduce the amount of suffering in the world by filthying my hands by voting for anyone but Christ himself.
There are some differences but both sides are pro genocide in the middle east and I can’t give even tacit support to that
Yup. If my daughter ever has a miscarriage, she’ll be investigated for murder and possibly thrown in jail because us fuckers didn’t just grit our teeth and vote Clinton, but hey it’s fine because both sides are bad, so the greater suffering that exists now is worth it because you and I get to say our hands were clean in 2016.
That’ll happen because of state laws. We have a dem in the white house right now and he can’t do shit about it. What he is doing is genocide
No, it’ll happen because fuckers like us allowed Trump to win in 2016, allowing him to install conservatives in the supreme court who gave the states their newfound rights to ban abortion. That shit is 100% on the president, and your daughters and mine, and our granddaughters and their daughters will all have to fight ever harder to claw back the modicum of self-governance the supreme court granted them 50 years ago.
But I guess I’m not allowed to care about my daughter because the current president isn’t as good as I want him to be. I guess it’s worth letting actual literal fascist Ron Desantis win 2024 as long as we get to say “I didn’t want either party to win,” as if that fucking matters.
You allowed trump to win in 2016? That’s pretty shitty dude. I would not have done that if I were you.
Why would people be mad about schizoid histrionics? Just go outside.