This is why I’m glad down votes exist
This entire post is an example why these idiots should be banned immediately. Someone below created an almost identical username imposter account as me and is telling to get me banned.
Gateway Pundit? Might as well put The Onion.
The author of that study, Kyle Beattie, doesn’t have a medical background. He isn’t a virologist or anything, he’s a political science graduate!
Also, that study is a preprint, a version of a scholarly or scientific paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly or scientific journal. It hasn’t been even peer-reviewed yet!
in the US specifically, the jab has caused a whopping 38% more Covid cases per million – and an even more astonishing 31% increase in deaths per million.
This kind of conclusion ignores many things like the omicron variant, vaccine hesitancy, vaccines reducing severe COVID cases, access to healthcare… but the readers of Gateway Pundit eat this all up to confirm their pseudoscientific beliefs.
Every study has a period before peer review. Fauci hasn’t seen a patient in decades but you seem to trust him.