I’m trying to figure out how to stop having to unblock the pihole, in order to bypass cookie consent alerts. I think this is a devious new attempt by the advertising brigade to ensure that adverts are played, but more and more cookie consent blockers are not working properly if you’ve got an adblocker, and as I’ve got one at the network level, this is a real frustration. I’ve tried a few browser-based bypassers, but that doesn’t work for many mobile devices, and sort of defeats the purpose of havign a network-level adblocker…
Has anyone else hit this issue and how have you worked around it?
Cookie banners are usually from the same domain. I doubt you can block them via DNS.
That’s exactly the problem. Parts of the cookie banner are from the same domain, but then other parts are from the advertisers domain. So blocking the advertiser blocks bits of the banner, meaning you cannot click on the banner, because it’s just not letting you do so.
your post got duplicated, this is the 2nd copy
I’ve seen it happening over the last few days. The JavaScript used to control the cookie banner appears to be served from a domain that is blocked by my pi-hole, so I can’t click on the buttons to accept or reject cookies
Cookies are set via the HTTP headers. And the check is usually done locally by JavaScript. The headers can be stripped away via proxy. But unless you disable JavaScript outright (which will literally break most modern websites), you could hardly avoid those banners.
Try the “I don’t care about cookies” extension
alternative (superior) open source extension: https://github.com/cavi-au/Consent-O-Matic
Neat, I’ll switch to this one
That looks great, thanks :)
Thanks for the tip. I really loathe having to do tihs as it doesn’t help mobile, but at least I can auto-sync across desktop browsers :/