Yeah but 7zip tho.
7zip 4lyfe
The fastest installing software in the world
You know they have full trust in their project when their own installer is using 7zip to install 7zip.
I heard there’s a better one
The squeakuel
Chinese knockoff 7zip
Peazip imho
7zip better tho
Better, faster, doesn’t ask for money, installs in a moment.
On Windows you should use Nanazip
winget install -e --id M2Team.NanaZip
What are the benefits over 7zip?
Works in the context menu
You can see the full list of their features under features
Windows 11 context menu is ugly so I switched it back to the old style one and have all the 7zip context menu items I need. But this is good if you don’t want to do that. Might try it out at a later date!
Yeah I also have context menu 7zip in win 11
Or Peazip.
Uhm? No.
Russia and China-backed hackers are exploiting WinRAR zero-day bug
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Or better, uninstall
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When there are tons of better alternatives, sure. Winrar is obsolete
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As long as I don’t have to pay
That’s the spirit! :)
Two online services with server costs vs offline decompression software
Please stop making me defend the corporations I beg
I paid for WinRAR 15 years ago because I’m not a freeloader.
7zip superiority
Ark superiority.
How come ? Im not a comp nerd
Smaller and faster program that’s completely free instead of free-ish. Their .7z format is also better than the .rar format, compressing files even smaller. It also works with .rar files, as a bonus.
It’s better until the index gets even slightly corrupted.
“I’m a bootlicker and proud” - this guy
It’s two guys asshole 🤣
Fuck that, imma freeload all I want.
Cool story.
Whenever I come across a .rar I think, what are the life decisions that led to someone to package this way?
Would you prefer an *.LZW?
I’d rather a tarball because it’s fun to say
I wonder how memes about WinRAR still get made. Besides everyone mentioning 7zip is better in every thread, windows explorer has been able to unzip things for ages now. Who is still using WinRAR?
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it can unrar and unzip and even untar.gz.xz.thc now
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Oh. It’s been able to since the last windows 11 update I believe soo maybe a month or two?
Winrar in 2023 is wild
Anyone remembers PeaZip?
I still rock it
The moment I left Windows I left it behind but it was/is a very nice program.
I’ve searched for it and it’s free and open source, you can always compile from source
Debian delivers a very good compressed file support as is. I’m good.
But I still recommend it for those friends/acquaintances that still use Windows. It is so user friendly.
you can get peazip on linux
I run Debian, which already has native compressed files support, but I recommend Peazip to every person I know still running Windows
What’s WinRAR?
it’s what people use who haven’t heard of PeaZip or 7Zip.
At this point using winrar tells me the person is kinda old and out of touch with tech.
It’s a compression and decompression program. If you’ve ever heard of the ZIP file format, then this program basically opens and creates ZIP files (and other files in similar formats, such as RAR).
I’d pay for WinRAR before I gave either of those companies my money.
time to download a crack for winrar on kazaa
I got mine off limewire, and it came with a free zip file to test it out.
Considerate of them to make it 65kb to not take up too much space.
Same with sublime text. “We’ll only bug you every 50 saves about buying a license.”
I can live with that.
And Emby media server. “Once in a while we’ll have a 10 second delay to start the movie.”
Sublime has a paid version ?
I didn’t know it had a free version
Maybe only on Linux? I actually would buy one because I love the product so much and I want to support the developers. But $99 is a bit steep.
But why would you.
Ha, funny thing, I bought it yesterday.
Why? 7zip is just better. Also .7z is the superior compression algorithm
Pleeease just use zip. Different compression algorithms just lead to headaches and honestly who cares which is better, use the standard. Everyone can open zip files. Don’t send your stuff as a .rar, .7z or .tar.gz.
I’m too lazy to check, so how much is it? Is it a one-time purchase or a subscription?
Onetime for around 30 bucks. Yeah, 7zip is free and I used that but I had to repair a corrupted rar archive. It worked and I was thankful for that so I bought it.
Better check for your version since <6 got got compromised